It's advised to use a virtual environment, either venv or conda. You also need compilers required for PyORBIT3
You need to have PyORBIT installed in the same virtual environment. If you are installing on a macOS, you will need to install EPICS as well: After following all the instructions, add the following line to your bash_profile:
export PYEPICS_LIBCA=${EPICS_BASE}/lib/${EPICS_HOST_ARCH}/libca.dylib
Using conda is advised on the latest Mac architecture. See below for installation with conda.
pip install -e .
pip list
# virtaccl should be in the list of installed packages
This will install VA in development mode, so you can edit the code and and immediately see the results without re-installation.
Alternatively to install in isolated mode (into your site-packages)
pip install .
or even without cloning the repository
pip install git+https://URL_OF_YOUR_REPO/virtual-accelerator.git
This will install EPICS, PyORBIT3 and virtual accelerator, also it will define needed environament variables. You will have the standard EPICS command line tools installed as well.
conda env create -f virac.yml
conda activate virac
Your client environment, the one that connects to virtaul accelerator, should have localhost included in CA search, so some setup may be needed.
For example following will ensure that the client connects to virtual accelerator only while allowing large array transfers.
export EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST=localhost
export EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES=10000000
To see help:
sns_va -h
Run default MEBT -> HEBT1
Run MEBT only (with printing all PVs)
sns_va --debug --bunch MEBT_in.dat MEBT
There are two client program (they connect to VA) examples:
- scans SCL_Mag:DCH00 and prints out horizontal position at SCL_Diag:BPM04
- performs a scan of MEBT_Diag:WS14 (PVs are fictional)
Both examples need VA running as a separate process (in a standalone terminla window),
default virtual_accelerator
command will work.
To launch an example run
python -m virtaccl.examples.Corrector
To see help:
btf_va -h
Run with default bunch
btf_va --debug
BTF example file:
python -m virtaccl.examples.BTF_Mag_Test
To see help:
idmp_va -h
Run with default bunch
idmp_va --debug