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PDU Shell Standard

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Version 2.0.1


The PDU Shell Standard is a project used to define a standard for all PDU Shells that integrate with CloudShell. The standard defines the Shell’s data model, commands and a set of guidelines that should be followed in the PDU Shells development and customization.

Revision History

Version Date Notes
2.0.1 2017-07-03 Added a "Model Name" attribute on the root resource
2.0.0 2017-01-23 Changed the type of the following attributes to "Password": "SNMP Read Community", "SNMP Write Community" and "SNMP V3 Password". This change is NOT backwards compatible
1.1.0 2016-08-25 1. Removed the Power Managed Device family from the standard. For a generic resource with a power port please refer to the Resource standard (generic Shell). 2. Attributes which aren't user-input changed from being read-only to having the rule "Admin only" enabled. 3. Behavior of setting the resource live status on poewr on/off/cycle was clarified in the commands notes section.
1.0.0 2016-07-04 First release of the PDU Shell Standard



A PDU Shell should support all PDU devices of the same Vendor. For example, a correct shell granularity will be “Raritan PDU” and not “Raritan PDU PX2”.

Specific Models Certification

Each release Shell should have a list of certified models. Model certification can be done only by Quali’s engineering, and validates that all the Shell’s capabilities are working for a specific model. The Shell should also work for non-certified models, and in case some gaps are found a new version of the Shell will be released with the gaps addressed and the model certified.

Generic Data Model

All PDU Shells share the same generic data model, except the model of the root level which is different per each Shell. The data model shouldn’t be modified. The attributes associated with those generic models are also shared by all networking Shells and their values are populated by the driver. It is allowed to add custom attributes to any resource level, and it isn’t allowed to remove attributes from any level.


The shell version follows Semantic Versioning Guidelines (see details in In short, the version structure is Major.Minor.Patch, for example “1.0.2”. A Path version is promoted when making backward-compatibility bug fixes, a Minor version is promoted when adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner and a Major version is promoted when making a backwards incompatible changes.


In case the shell is written in Python and has dependencies to Python packages (that follow Semantic Versioning Guidelines) the dependency should be to a range of Patch versions, for example to “cloudshell-pdu-raritan 2.1.X”. The dependency to cloudshell-automation-api will be to the latest Patch version (cloudshell-automation-api package version is of the format “CloudShell_Version.X”, for example 7.0.X”).

Data Model Structure

Families & Models

The PDU Shell Standard supports PDUs with power sockets.

PDU Data Model

  • PDU
    • Power Socket
  • Family: PDU, Model: Raritan PDU
    • Family: Power Socket, Model: Generic Power Socket

In order for the PDU shell to be used correctly within CloudShell both the PDU and devices connected to the PDU should be modeled in CloudShell, and the PDU sockets should be defined as “physically connected” to the devices power ports. Once this configuration is in place the devices connected to the PDU will get the “Power On”, “Power Off” and “Power Cycle” commands and those commands will be applicable on the power ports. The power ports can be defined on any type of device (for example, a networking device). The PDU shell comes with an OOB power managed device model that can be used to model in CloudShell a device connected to the PDU via a power port.

Family Rules

The following CloudShell family rules are enabled per family in the data model:

Family Rules
PDU Searchable, IsPowerSwitch
Power Socket Searchable, Connectable, Locked By Default

Resource Name and Address

Family Model Resource Name Resource Address
PDU [Vendor] PDU (user defined) Searchable
Power Socket Generic Power Socket (name in device) (name in device)



  • Attributes which aren’t relevant to a device won’t be populated by the driver.
  • All attributes which aren't user-input should have the rule "Admin only" enabled.
  • The attribute rules are as follows - all attributes which are user input should have the rule "Configuration" enabled, all attributes which aren't user input should have the rules "Settings" and "Available For Abstract Resources" enabled.
  • It is possible to customize the attribute rules selection after importing the Shell to CloudShell.
  • Attributes shouldn’t be removed.
  • Custom attributes can be added to any resource level.
  • All attributes are of type String unless mentioned otherwise
  • Attributes associated with the family level can't be changed in the shelldefinition.yaml of the shell and are commonly used in abstract resources.
[Vendor] PDU
Attribute Name Details User input? Family Attribute?
User User with administrative privileges Yes No
Password Attribute of type Password Yes No
Firmware Version No No
Vendor No Yes
Model No Yes
SNMP Read Community Attribute of type Password Yes No
SNMP Write Community Attribute of type Password Yes No
SNMP V3 User Yes No
SNMP V3 Password Attribute of type Password Yes No
SNMP V3 Private Key Yes No
SNMP Version Possible values – v1, v2c, v3 Yes No
Console Server IP Address Yes No
Console User Yes No
Console Port Attributes of type Numeric Yes No
Console Password Attribute of type Password Yes No
CLI Connection Type Attribute of type Lookup. Possible values – Auto, Console, SSH, Telnet, TCP Yes No
Sessions Concurrency Limit Numeric, default is 1 (no concurrency) Yes No
Model Name Attribute of type String. Automatically populated model name that will be presented in the Sandbox diagram No Yes
Generic Power Socket

No Attributes


The following chapter describes the list of commands that needs to be supported by the shell. It includes command name, parameters and description of the functionality.

Interface Implementation - When creating a new shell according to the standard it is OK not to implement all commands and/or implement additional command, but a command with a functionality that fits one of the predefined list commands should be implemented according to the standard.

Error Handling: Command outputs: On failure an exception containing the error will be thrown and the command will be shown as failed. A failure is defined as any scenario in which the command didn’t complete its expected behavior, regardless if the issue originates from the command’s input, device or the command infrastructure itself. On success the command will just return as passed with no output.

Get Inventory (Shell Autoload)

def get_inventory(self, context)

This function queries the device, discovers it's specification and autoloads it into CloudShell. When a new resource is created, CloudShell asks the user to specify some user inputs (i.e user name & password) and then it calls the get_inventory function.

The standard recommended way of communicating and discovering the device should be via SNMP protocol.

Display Name

System command, it has no display name.

Input / Output Parameter Data Type Required Description
Input context object system parameter object of type AutoLoadCommandContext which includes API connectivity details and the details of the resource including attributes that the user entered during the resource creation.
Output AutoLoadDetails object Yes object of type AutoLoadDetails which the discovered resource structure and attributes.

Power Commands

In CloudShell users can trigger a power commands directly from the power managed resource, doing that implicitly triggers the command execution on the PDU.

To enable this feature, power commands must include the 'power' tag.

<Driver Name="SamplePowerDriver" Version="1.0.0" MainClass="SamplePowerDriver.SamplePowerDriver" Description="">
    <Category Name="Power">
      <Command Name="PowerOn" Description="" Tags="power"></Command>
      <Command Name="PowerOff" Description="" Tags="power"></Command>
      <Command Name="PowerCycle" Description="" Tags="power"></Command>

Power On

def PowerOn(context, ports):     

Starts the power for the selected socket.


This command sets the live status of the resource connected to the PDU to "Online" with description "Resource powered on".

Display Name

Power On

Input / Output Parameter Data Type Required Description
Input context object system parameter object of type ResourceRemoteCommandContext the details of the resource that triggered the power command.
Input ports list[string] system parameter This parameter includes the power socket ports that the resource is connected to.

Power Off

def PowerOff(context, ports):     

Stops the power for the selected socket.


This command sets the live status of the resource connected to the PDU to "Offline" with description "Resource powered off".

Display Name

Power Off

Input / Output Parameter Data Type Required Description
Input context object system parameter object of type ResourceRemoteCommandContext the details of the resource that triggered the power command.
Input ports list[string] system parameter This parameter includes the power socket ports that the resource is connected to.

Power Cycle

def PowerCycle(context, ports, delay):     

Stops and then starts the power for the selected socket. - CLI based


This command sets the live status of the resource connected to the PDU to "Online" with description "Resource powered on".

Display Name

Power Cycle

Input / Output Parameter Data Type Required Description
Input context object system parameter object of type ResourceRemoteCommandContext the details of the resource that triggered the power command.
Input ports list[string] system parameter This parameter includes the power socket ports that the resource is connected to.
Input delay string No Optional. If kept empty the default from the The value here should be a positive integer and defines the wait time between the power off and power on. If left empty the default from the device will be used.