pre-commit hook of insert-license-header with conda as a language
/ package manager.
For pre-commit: see here
For insert-license-header: see here
Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: '' # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
- id: insert-license-header-conda
In order for this hook to work properly, ensure that the entire git history is fetched during pre-commit-checks
This hook uses our license header by default.
However, you can overwrite this default header by first creating your own base64 encoded string:
$ echo "Copyright (C) 2042, PearCorp, Inc.\nSPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PearCorp" | base64
And then supplying it to the hook:
- id: insert-license
types: [python]
- --license-base64
- "Q29weXJpZ2h0IChDKSAyMDQyLCBQZWFyQ29ycCwgSW5jLgpTUERYLUxpY2Vuc2UtSWRlbnRpZmllcjogTGljZW5zZVJlZi1QZWFyQ29ycAo="
- --dynamic-years
- --comment-style
- "#"
Other comment styles:
For Java / Javascript / CSS/ C / C++ (multi-line comments) set: /*| *| */
For Java / Javascript / C / C++ (single line comments) set //
For HTML files: <!--| ~| -->
To remove all license headers, temporarily add the --remove-header
arg in
your .pre-commit-config.yaml
. Run the hook on all files: pre-commit run insert-license -a
For more configuration options see the conda-packaged tool insert-license-header that exposes the insert-license-header
executable, the original repository Lucas-C/pre-commit-hooks and Pre-Commit.