Renter From Me: like AirBnB, but for high-end electronics. Are you tired of paying ridiculous fees for camera and other equipment rentals? Bypass the middleman and rent from a real person!
- Two user types: owners and renter
- user can login and create a profile
- user can then setup items they have for rent such as cameras, TV's, party equipment such as speakers/fog machines, etc.
- user will be able to create, read, update and delete rental data. A second user can login and see items that users have for rent and ask to rent an item
- Add a payment option into the application allowing a user to pay over Paypal / Stripe etc. to rent their items
- Be able to schedule a time and place for pick-up
- Add a review system into the app so that the social aspect is there to ensure that users are legitimate.
Programming | Styling | In Future |
- how to setup redux with middleware
- how to connect the frontend to api
- how to make authentication
A Sure!
Here you go: here.
Netlify unites an entire ecosystem of modern tools and services into a single, simple workflow for building high performance sites and apps. and is continuous Deployment of our websit here.**
- try to be wrong
- fetch api : fetch a api's and loading are some times does not work good
- dispatch : in redux's their is some problem a useEffect to dispatch a actions
- login and registartion : when you login is not open the home page and register is same error
- styling : component isn't good styling and Responsive of the page as not good need a little work on
- no animation yet
- l will want to add a stretching problem
this project is part of my frontend project at GabiSchool Bootcamp in 2022 thank you to give this amazing skill