This Project build using CPP language with STL implementation.
Book Reader APP Project-
● Functional Requirements-
=> In this system, there are 2 users who could login/sign up
■ Admin User & Customer User-
=> Admin mainly for now just adds books to system => User is reading 1 book at a time, but have history of sessions
■ During a session: s/he views current page of book and can navigate to other books
● Non-Functional Requirements
=> Usability: The system is understandable, usable and compatible with other systems => Security, reliability, performance, maintainability & scalability (optional)
● Admin User-
=> Can view his profile, Add books, Logout => Optional: Activate new user account, Edit/Delete/Search books, etc
● Customer User-
=> Can view his profile, list current system books, view his current reading sessions
■ Each session for a book, maintains which was last reading page, date of last reading
■ During an opened session: Can Go to next or previous page or stop reading
=> Optional: Search for book, remove a session, jump to page in reading