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Running the Simulation

Alejandro Escontrela edited this page Oct 27, 2018 · 1 revision

You can get started with the IGVC code base right away by launching our simulator!

Load up Jessii: The following command will load our platform into a simulated IGVC course:

roslaunch igvc_gazebo gazebo.launch

Map the surrounding environment: Then, the following command will start our mapper

roslaunch igvc_navigation mapper.launch

To obtain a visualization of the robot's sensor readings, the occupancy grid, and its planned path, set the plot_rviz flag to true:

roslaunch igvc_navigation mapper.launch plot_rviz:=true

Navigate the course: Next, run the following command to start our pathing node and navigate around the course autonomously

roslaunch igvc_navigation pather.launch simulation:=true

Alternatively, you can control the car manually with a USB gamepad with this command:

roslaunch igvc joystick_driver.launch