It's time to take a coffee break! your python code is running, and you'll be notified through telegram when you will have your results.
Create a telegram bot that will send you notifications on your phone to follow your code progress.
pip install telegram-coffee-break
Every details are explained in this post on
First: You will need to create a new telegram bot as follows:
Go to the BotFather (if you open it in desktop, make sure you have the Telegram app), then create new bot by sending the /newbot command. Follow the steps until you get the username and token for your bot. You can go to your bot by accessing this URL: and your token should looks like this.
Keep the token safe in a file and set your bot.
Next: You need to find your telegram ID
Go to the userinfobot and send /start. He will give you your personal ID.
Id: 871NNNNN
First: lol
Last: lolilol
Lang: en
Simple example where you simply receive a notification at a certain point in the progress of the code.
from telegrambotalarm import TelegramBot
bot = TelegramBot(TOKEN, MYID)
bot.send_message('Your code is running')
... do modeling etc ...
message = {
train accuracy : train_acc,
test accuracy : test_acc
bot.send_image('decision_tree.png', caption=message)
Best example where you are informed if an error occurs during the execution of a piece of code.
def train_model():
## do something ##
results = {
'train accuracy' : train_acc,
'test accuracy' : test_acc
return results
from telegrambotalarm import TelegramBot
import traceback
TOKEN = 'nnnnnnnnnn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
MYID = 'nnnnnnnn'
bot = TelegramBot(TOKEN, MYID)
# Run this
results = train_model()
# If error occurs, send the error with its trace
except Exception as e:
bot.send_image('decision_tree.png', caption=message)