New Project to detect targets and classify it
With a 3D printer, we print this model, you can see the needed pieces in the next url:
The model is a little bit small, so we have to scale it to 250% in the program you use to print the 3D files.
Once you have the pieces, you have to buy the next components:
- 2 Servo motors 1 for the X axis and 1 for the Y axis, you can buy it in
- 1 Raspberry Pi
- 1 Raspberry Pi Camera
the next steps, i give you to your imagination
You need to install python 3.9.0, you can download it from the next url:
Once you have installed python, you need to install the backend dependencies using:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you will need Docker to run a rabbitmq server and a mongoDB server, after download it, you need to run the next commands:
- if you want to run dockers python docker_setup
- if you want to remove all docker information python remove_dockers
Note: If you dont want to run that commands, you could find the docker compose file in Core/management/commands/DockerSetUpFiles and do it by your own
Now you can run the backend and access to endpoints using:
- python runserver and access to the backend in http://localhost:8000
You need to install nodejs, you can download it from the next url:
Once you have installed nodejs, you need to install the frontend dependencies, before install it, you need to go to the frontend folder using:
- cd FrontEnd
- npm install
Now you can run the frontend using:
- npm start and access to the frontend in http://localhost:3000
First you need a raspberri pi and execute this commands if you want that picamera works well:
- sudo apt-get install build-essential libcap-dev
- sudo apt install -y python3-libcamera Note: if you launch the project in a raspberri pi 4 bullseye, the best way to use the native libcamera is not using an venv
then you launch the next commands:
- python start_celery_worker , you must init the celery worker because the real_time_detection use this queue to send predictions and process it when it can
- python real_time_detection, which will launch the picamera and will control the servo motors to catch different points of the contour and try to predict if there is a target or not with celery tasks.