This repository contains python scripts to make requests, retrieve and process some data from Github with Github API
It was made with REST API V3 from Github, Python 3.8 and requests lib
First, verify if you have Python 3.6 or higher installed and pip
Create a virtualenv following this tutorial
After that, with the virtualenv activated, run this command: pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_dev.txt
Finally, run cp .env.sample .env
and fill the .env
file with the required info
, follow this steps
With the virtualenv activated, first change or add the package and the version you want to install in the file
After that, run the command in the root dir: pip-compile --output-file=requirements.txt
If everything is ok with your installation, run this command on the terminal:
python scripts/
To query something specific about repositories use this command:
python scripts/
It will prompt a help text and an example of what should be the query string