This filter allows, among other things, the display of the activity icon as well as a check mark indicating the status of a completed activity. It also allows you to take advantage of Moodle's database and create a more personalized experience. The examples below show you the available integration codes and the result on the user's screen.
The attached example shows the display of a link to an activity. The left side shows the learner's screen. On the right-hand side, we see the integration code in the editor. The i/ parameter displays the activity icon, the c/ parameter displays the hook and the exact name of the activity title displays the link to the activity. The attached example shows the display of the student's name on a page. The left side shows the learner's screen. On the right side, we see the embedding code in the editor. The `[[d/user.firstname]]` parameter causes the student's first name to be displayed. The information is taken from the database.Represents the separator character used in the filter. If the character is /, the filter will search for it in [[i/activityname]]. All indicators ( i/, c/, d/ ) must be at the begenning of double brackets [[.
- Activity name link : [[activityname]].
- Activity name link with icon : [[i/activityname]].
- Activity name link with completion checkbox : [[c/activityname]].
- Activity name link with icon and completion checkbox : [[i/c/activityname]].
- Change link name : [[/i/c/desc:"Name"/]] activityname.
- Add CSS classes : [[/i/c/class:"btn btn-primary"/]].
- Open the link to an activity in another tab : [[c/b/activityname]] ou [[i/c/b/activityname]].
- Link to a section: [[s/sectionname]] or [[s/6]] to go to section 6 if its name is not personalized (not usable in edit mode)..
- Course informations : [[d/course.fullname]], [[d/course.shortname]].
- Student firstname, lastname, email and avatar : [[d/user.firstname]], [[d/user.lastname]], [[d/]] and [[d/user.picture]].
- First teacher firstname, lastname, email and avatar : [[d/teacher1.firstname]], [[d/teacher1.lastname]], [[d/]] and [[d/teacher1.picture]]. The teacher must be in the group for his name to appear. Same for teacher2, teacher3, etc. for all teachers for that course.
- Link to H5P content: [[h5p/Name of H5P]]
After installing this plugin, it is necessary to place it before the default Activity linking filter.