Releases: SaulEiros/album-explorer
Releases · SaulEiros/album-explorer
Enhanced Album Details
In this Release the following changes were made:
- Added Photo List to Album Model
- Modified Adapters to handle photos
- Modified JSONPlaceholderAlbumRepository to retrieve the Photos
Docker Image Publish
- Added CORS Config
- Added github action for build and publish docker image
Rest Controllers Implementation
In this release the following changes were made:
- Added Swagger and OpenApi dependencies
- Added Photo and Album Controllers
- Added Rest Models
- Added Rest Exception Handler
- Refactor of PhotoService for a more simpler approach.
Dockerized App
Changes in this release:
- Added Docker Files
- Added Live Demo
- Enhanced
This release include the following changes:
- Small change in AlbumServiceImplTest
- Added PhotoServiceImplTest
- Added implementations in PhotoServiceImpl
Output Adapters Implementation
Implementation of the Output Adapters (JSON Placeholder API integration) with the following changes:
- Added property to for JSON Placeholder API base url
- Added REST Output Models for Photo and Album
- Added Implementation for JSON Placeholder Repositories.
Album Service Implementation
This release include the following changes:
- Added Mockito Dependency
- Added Tests for AlbumServiceImpl
- Added implementations in class AlbumServiceImpl
What's Changed
- Added Base project skeleton with template files.
- Fixed package name error to fit naming convention
- Enhanced .gitignore
Base Project
This is the initial status of the project.
The project was created using Spring Initializr ( with the following configuration:
- Gradle
- Kotlin
- Spring Boot 3.3.2
- Java 21
- Jar Packaging
Aditionaly, default Spring Web Dependency was added.