ckeditor-html5-video is simple HTML5 video plugin for CKEditor that is transformed version of ckeditor-html5-audio.
If you want to add the plugin manually, you will need to:
Extract the html5video folder into the plugins folder of your CKEditor installation. Example:
Enable the plugin by using the extraPlugins configurations setting. Example:
config.extraPlugins = 'html5video';
Download and configure all its dependencies, too (e.g. widget, widgetselection, clipboard, lineutils). Moreover, if you use a GNU/Linux distro you need to set the right permissions for the folders and files.
Optionally configure default selections in your ckeditor config. For instance you can configure controls to be off by default (previous default) with
config.html5video = {
controls: false
For more information, please look through ckeditor-html5-video's documentation on
- Github
- OLD CKEditor's plugin page, to be updated or moved.