objectQueryTools.js: JavaScript Library for searching an array.
Extends the array object to include methods for searching the array.
- AnyMatch
- Returns a boolean true - A match found false - No match found
- Stops executing the search once the first match is found
- Parameters obj - the exact object being searched for, or the object that will be used by the callback to search conditions - function to execute search conditions. Parameters - element in the array, obj passed into the AnyMatch function
Search for any object in the array with a matching property var found = employees.AnyMatch(employee, function(l,o) { return l.department === o.department });
Search for a string in an array of strings var department = 'IT'; var departments = ['HR','IT','Accounting']; var found = departments.AnyMatch(department, function(l,o) {return l === o});
objQueryToolsTests.cs: C# test class. Uses the MSTest framework and the JSTest library for testing JavaScript
http://jsperf.com/in-array-speed/2: performance tests compared to jQuery grep, mootools filter, and native JavaScript