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Calibre in KLayout

Lukas Chrostowski edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 17 revisions

This document describes how to run Mentor Calibre from KLayout.

Required: ssh installed on the system:

  • Linux, MacOS: already available
  • Windows: Install Cygwin to get ssh tools installed, or
  • Windows 10 includes ssh, which needs to be turned on: Search for "developers" and select "for developers settings" and enable "developer mode". Then search for "Manage optional features", "Add a feature", then find "openSSH Client". Test that "ssh" and "scp" are functional in the command prompt.

Passwordless Login Procedure

Generate a secure key

1. Open the command terminal (cmd)

2. Execute the following commands

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Hit enter three times, so the default name is used and no password is created.

Creating a Config File for KLayout

1. Open the command terminal as administrator and execute the following command

on Windows:

cd C:%HOMEPATH%\.ssh
touch config
notepad config

on Linux or OSX:

cd ~/.ssh
nano config

2. Enter the following configurations in the opened blank config file:

Host          drc
Hostname      HOSTNAME
Port          PORT
User          USERNAME_on_SERVER

3. Make sure to replace the HOSTNAME, USERNAME_on_SERVER, and PORT fields in the above file with the appropriate hostname and user.

4. Save and close. ssh can now find the configuration with the name “drc” for Calibre.

5. Execute the following commands to copy the ssh key to the remote server

on Windows:

type | ssh drc "mkdir .ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

on Linux or OSX:

cat | ssh drc "mkdir .ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

6. You will have to enter a password

7. Exit the shell, passwordless login should now be working. Verify it works in the terminal:

ssh drc

This should get you logged in to the remote machine immediately, without asking for a password.

Copying Calibre rule files to the remote server

If the server does not already have the rule files, copy them as follows, where you replace xxxx with the path on your local computer:

ssh drc "mkdir calibre_rule_decks"
scp xxxx/* drc:calibre_rule_decks

Running Calibre from KLayout


  • passwordless ssh to server "drc" working

Configuration file: CALIBRE.xml

Each technology will require a configuration file, with an example as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <remote_additional_commands>setenv SIEPIC_IME_PDK /CMC/kits/SiEPIC_IME_Active.2017.09/SiEPIC_IME_PDK</remote_additional_commands>

Where the above variables are:

  • remote_calibre_script: This configures the Calibre tool paths and license.

  • remote_pdk_location: location of the PDK on the server

  • remote_calibre_rule_deck_main_file: rules file, relative to "remote_pdk_location"

  • remote_additional_commands: additional environment variables that may be required for the rule file

Running Calibre

  • Create a GDS layout, including floorplan layer and components
  • ensure that the correct technology is active
  • Hotkey "c", or menu SiEPIC | Verification | Remote Calibre DRC
  • if working, the errors will be displayed in a dialog.