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Scripts to run both HMMER 2.3.2 and HMMER 3 on a set of Pfam HMMs, parse and combine results

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Running HMMER

Run both HMMER 2.3.2 and HMMER 3 on a set of Pfam HMMs, parse and combine results. We run both versions of HMMER because in practice we have found that the sets of domains returned are slightly different, particularly for short domains; running both versions guarantees the most exhaustive recovery of all potential domain matches.

1: Downloading and installing HMMER

HMMER 2.3.2 (released October 2003) and HMMER 3.1b2 (released February 2015) can both be downloaded from I recommend installing HMMER 2.3.2 first (note that the scripts in this repository require the HMMER 2.3.2 binaries to be renamed with a "232" suffix):

NOTE: If you do not have sudo access wherever you are installing (e.g., your institution's cluster), you must edit the script below to install locally. Specifically, (1) change the bin/ directory where HMMER 2.3.2 files are copied to one that you have write access to, and (2) run ./configure --prefix=/somewhere/else/than/usr/local before make and make install for HMMER 3.1b2.


2: Downloading and formatting Pfam HMMs

The most current set of Pfam-A HMMs can be found at: To download this file then parse it into individual files to use with HMMER 2.3.2 and HMMER 3.1b2 (as the scripts in this repository will require), run the following. Note that the default pfam_path is respository_directory/pfam/. Running this step will create a directory within the specified pfam_path directory named hmms-vX, where X is the current version of Pfam that was just downloaded. In this new subdirectory, there will be one file for each Pfam HMM.

python --pfam_path pfam/

3: Running HMMER and parsing results

You can now run both versions of HMMER on your desired input (a non-compressed fasta file) as follows. Running this step will create a directory within the specified --results_path directory named hmmres-vX, where X is the version of Pfam specified as an input argument. In this new subdirectory, there will be one results file for each Pfam HMM.

  • NOTE: You can specify a subset of Pfam HMMs to run HMMER on using the --start and --end arguments, enabling you to easily parallelize these calls on a cluster to save time. The --end value must be 1 more than the actual ending 0-index. For instance, to run on HMMs 0, 1, and 2, we would call with --start 0 and --end 3.
python --pfam_path pfam/ 
                        --pfam_version 32 
                        --fasta_infile <full path to non-compressed fasta file> 
                        --results_path domains/ 
                        --start 0 
                        --end 10

4: Combining HMMER output

We run both HMMER 2.3.2 and HMMER 3.1b2 and therefore expect lots of duplicate domains. We combine all nonredundant output across all Pfam HMMs with the following call, which will produce a single file called all-hmmer-results-by-prot-v32.txt.gz. You can change this name using the --hmmer_results argument, and you can change the subset of HMMER results to be included (if desired) by editing the script directly.

python --concatenate_hmmer_results 
                               --pfam_path pfam/
                               --pfam_version 32
                               --fasta_infile <full path to non-compressed fasta file>
                               --results_path domains/processed-v32/
                               --hmmer_results domains/all-hmmer-results-by-prot-v32.txt.gz

5: Restricting to "high-quality" domains

We must run the previous function before calling the following, as the following call depends on the intermediate results (i.e., found in all-hmmer-results-by-prot-v32.txt.gz). We run this step to restrict to domains that:

  • are complete (i.e., matched from the very start to the very end of the HMM)
  • passed the gathering threshold (taking into account both domain- and sequence-based cutoffs)
  • have the appropriate residue at high information content positions (to remove "deprecated" domains)
python --filter_domains
                               --pfam_path pfam/
                               --pfam_version 32
                               --fasta_infile <full path to non-compressed fasta file>
                               --results_path domains/processed-v32/
                               --hmmer_results domains/all-hmmer-results-by-prot-v32.txt.gz
                               --processed_results domains/all-domains-by-prot-v32.txt.gz

This produces a single, beautiful file (called all-domains-by-prot-v32.txt.gz) with all the domains from your original FASTA file.

NOTE: Steps 4 and 5 can be run using the same call to by specifying both --concatenate_hmmer_results and --filter_domains as input arguments.


Scripts to run both HMMER 2.3.2 and HMMER 3 on a set of Pfam HMMs, parse and combine results






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