is based on docker pull kiwenlau/hadoop:1.0
Each folder ./*/docker/config
are the same, so that hadoop-master, hadoop-slave and hadoop-client all have same setup
Each folder in ./*/docker
is copied to /tmp
inside container and then moved to appropriate places in Dockerfile
to find yarn when --master yarn
is set
spark-neo4j-connector finds neo4j by setting spark.neo4j.bolt.url
in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf
Use http://localhost:8088
to see hadoop status
Use yarn logs -applicationId <app_id>
to see hadoop logs
Use docker log -f <container_name>
to see container logs
java 1.7 scala 2.11.12 python 3.5 (installation in Dockerfile is very dodgy) hadoop 2.7.2 hive 2.3.4 spark 2.0.0 neo4j 3.5.3
Before starting the container, we need our own bridge network
docker network create --driver=bridge sdhadoop
Set cluster size (Optional), build the image, and then start the container (master + 2x slaves)
cd hadoop-cluster/docker
./ 2
./ 2
Next, inside the container, start cluster and check everything works
check out
http://localhost:4040 (should work, but doesn't work)
TODO: mount the hdfs data folder, so that data persist accross containers
Hive is also installed, but the data is not persisted. Ie dhfs is not mounted, all data is lost when container is deleted. hive data is created inside the container temporarily using
which loads data.csv
into hive/hdfs
TODO: move metadb server (mysql) for hive to another container
--master yarn
is set by default
Test in container using
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
$SPARK_HOME/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.0.0.jar 10
hadoop-client-pyspark ========================= Image is built, essentially, by starting from jupyter/pyspark-notebook, then change the python version (very dodgy), since we needed python3.5 for spark 2.0.0, then concatenating hadoop-cluster Dockerfile after it, to make all versions the same as hadoop-cluster (this was done before full understanding of how to use jupyter/pyspark-notebook properly)
cd hadoop-client-pyspark/docker ./ ./
Test in container using
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
$SPARK_HOME/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.0.0.jar 10
Test in jupyter (python3 kernel) using
import findspark
import pyspark
import random
conftfos = pyspark.SparkConf().setAll([('spark.executor.cores','1')])
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(appName="Pi", conf=conftfos)
def inside(p):
x, y = random.random(), random.random()
return x*x + y*y < 1
num_samples = 1000
count = sc.parallelize(range(0, num_samples)).filter(inside).count()
pi = 4. * count / num_samples
Just normal neo4j, nothing to do with hadoop, from official neo4j:latest. Added initial data, see load_data.cql
if fail, since method of adding initial data is dodgy.
cd neo4j/docker
To reset data, use one of the following (inside container):
cat /var/lib/neo4j/reset_data_small.cql | NEO4J_USERNAME=neo4j NEO4J_PASSWORD=neo4j /var/lib/neo4j/bin/cypher-shell
cat /var/lib/neo4j/reset_data_medium.cql | NEO4J_USERNAME=neo4j NEO4J_PASSWORD=neo4j /var/lib/neo4j/bin/cypher-shell
TODO: mount the neo4j data folder, so that data persist accross containers
I wanted to stay with python ( but python graphframe can't import from neo4j (and Mazerunner is way out of date) so I have to use scala and neo4j-spark-connector, using scala also allows usage of graphx, scala+spark has better support/docs Note: Another idea of importing data (hence allowing pyspark) is to process hdfs csv files before entering neo4j, some people were using similar architectures. But too much work.
The image is from jupyter/all-spark-notebook, the challenge was to get scala working inside jupyter.
Tried toree briefly, couldn't get toree 0.3.x working with java 1.7
I got spylon working, see spylong-kernel.json
and Dockerfile for dodgy python installations and paths.
hadoop-client-scala//Dockerfile should be almost the same as hadoop-client-pyspark//Dockerfile, although it doesnt look like it
cd hadoop-client-scala/docker
Test in container using
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
$SPARK_HOME/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.0.0.jar 10
Test in jupyter (spylon) using
val rdd = sc.parallelize(0 to 999)
rdd.takeSample(false, 5)
For neo4j-spark-connector, we use 2.1.0-M4 (latest version compitible with java 1.7), and requires neo4j 3.x
see hadoop-client-scala/13_spylon_neo4j_graphx_diff_label.ipynb
for more notes.
As mentioned above, neo4j-spark-connector doesnt support python
There is a big problem with neo4j-spark-connector when saving back to neo4j with saveGraph()
, the connector duplicates nodes, since it can't find the right nodes to write to
Extremely ugly work around was found if we add temporary label touchedBySpark
on all nodes, and add temporary touchedBySpark_rel
relationship to all relationships
The problem then becomes temporary labels and relations are hard to delete, and takes up good amount of space
see hadoop-client-scala/13_spylon_neo4j_graphx_diff_label.ipynb
for more notes.
Note, bigdata refers to companies bigdata cluster; is remote server (behind access gateway), connected to bigdata cluster. We log into, and clone this folder into it.
Now we try to set up a jupyter notebook (scala) that can talk to bigdata cluster. Task is mainly to find right configuration and right versions of everything.
Hadoop configs in docker/config are copied from bigdata-009, which is the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR
inside the container.
is set to kg
, and proper queue is used --queue kg
Monkey patching hosts file for bigdata-* on docker run (proper way is to find how to do this on docker build).
cd <project_folder>
for notes on ports
test in container using
spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--master local[*] \
--deploy-mode client \
--driver-memory 4g \
--executor-memory 2g \
--executor-cores 1 \
--queue kg \
$SPARK_HOME/lib/spark-examples*.jar \
java 1.8 scala 2.10.7 python 3.6.8 hadoop 2.7.x (???) hive 2.0.0 spark 1.6.1 neo4j 3.3.0 (test db) neo4j 3.x (???) (prod db)
spark 1.6 doesnt support spark.driver.bindAddress
, meaning that bigdata cant find return address of docker, hence had to change docker network to host, instead of bridge.
In the end, got Toree working, since now using java 1.8 Spylon wouldnt work as it requires Spark 2.0, Scala 2.11 (all releases) downgraded to Toree 0.1.x which supports spark 1.6.x (Toree later versions are for spark 2.x)
two jupyter kernels are set up:
, connecting to local[20] (ie
and kernel_remote.json
, connecting to remote (ie bigdata cluster)
these files shouldnt require any changes, all config should happen in spark-defaults.conf if change is needed, then specify changes in SPARK_OPTS, which overrides spark-defaults.conf
Normally, we would add packages automatically, spark-shell --packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1
but the problems are: installation is lost when container is destroyed; network issues, download from some source are forbidden
- First, we can run
spark-shell --packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1
locally (anywhere internet isnt blocked) and observe which jar files it tries to download, and then wget these files manually todocker/jars
folder - Then, change
the filespark-defaults.conf
, seespark-defaults.conf
for examples - Then, rebuild the image, and restart container
TODO: check if spark.driver.extraClassPath
is really needed to be set
downgraded to neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1 which supports spark 1.6 (neo4j-spark-connector later versions are for spark 2.x)
TODO: APIs are substantially different, need further investigation
and saveGraph()
problem probably still exist
Since there are two kernels, local and remote (bigdata yarn), then we want to make sure everything works in following grid
shell | jupyter | |
local | ||
remote |
For notes to test everything works, see haddop-client-scala-prod/01.ipynb haddop-client-scala-prod/02.ipynb
Using 1.0.0-RC1 have a problem with Neo4j Session object leaked
, which was suspected to be fixed in later neo4j-spark-connector versions
However, later neo4j-spark-connector versions were written for spark 2.x, but gladly I found a fork on github, which fixed the problem,
See hadoop-client-scala-prod/neo4j-spark-connector-full-2.0.0-M2-s_1.6.1/ for building the jar
Then we put the jar in docker/jars and change spark-defaults.conf, and it works
See more notes in hadoop-client-scala-prod/local03_load_medium_data.ipynb