Releases: SouthGreenPlatform/Gigwa2
Releases · SouthGreenPlatform/Gigwa2
For initial setups not using Docker, download the bundle creation script corresponding to your OS, place it in the desired installation location, and launch it!
For initial setups not using Docker, download the bundle creation script corresponding to your OS, place it in the desired installation location, and launch it!
For initial setups not using Docker, download the bundle creation script corresponding to your OS, place it in the desired installation location, and launch it!
Updated Fst graph screenshot in documentation
Clearing text input place-holders on focus
POM dependency update
Updated gigwa image version
Changes in v2.4:
- Speed improvements in variant search, density chart calculation and (especially) export procedures
- Ability to export individuals' metadata (when available) along with genotyping data
- Made group discrimination feature available regardless of selected genotype patterns
- Integrated Flapjack-Bytes prototype for online visualization of datasets exported into Flapjack format
- Allowed feeding individual's metadata from multiple BrAPI (V1) sources at a time
- Implementation of BrAPI V2 calls covering pretty much the entire Gigwa data model
- Migrated Swagger interface to Springfox3
- Showing host name for each existing database in the administration section
- Various bugfixes
- Upgraded several prime Java dependencies (Spring-data, MongoDB driver, htsjdk...) and third-party software for bundles (JRE v8u291, Tomcat v8.5.66, MongoDB v4.2.15)
NB: As of v2.4, in Docker images and bundles, default WiredTiger compression algorithm is zstd rather than zlib (configured in startGigwa.* scripts)
Merge branch 'master' of…