Version: 1.1 Paper: Jasmine: A Static Analysis Framework for Spring Core Technologies (#175)
This document is to help users reproduce the results we reported in our submission. It contains the following descriptions
The code and scripts for the tools we build are published in this repository as well as other repositories for SpringJasmine users. All the experiments were carried out on a Docker environment which deployed on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz (4 x 12 core) and 128GB of RAM. Both can be executed using Docker 20.10.8. We hope that users can reproduce our experiments using this version or a later version of Docker. Doop framework related experiments are run on Docker 19.03.12, Soot and FlowDroid related experiments are run on IntelliJ Idea.
Pull Jasmine from GitHub.
$ git clone
Execute the Dockerfile in the Jasmine repository to generate a docker container, /localdata
is the folder path of your machine. Please change it according to the actual situation.
$ cd Jasmine
$ docker build -t jasmine:v1 .
$ docker run -it -h --privileged=True -e "container=docker" -v /localdata:/data --net=host --name="Jasmine" jasmine:v1 bash
# /localdata is your local folder path
Some experiment uses maven and IntelliJ IDEA, the maven version is 3.6.1, and the Java version is Java 8.
This table mainly shows the improvement of Jasmine's detection ability of JackEE, including TABLE II and Fig.4.
2.1.1 JackEE, Default and Jasmine use context-insensitive analysis (corresponding to ID-1-EntryPoint, ID-4-SpringAOP, ID-7-Reachable Methods, ID-8-Application Edges)
- Run the following command.
# JackEE
$ bash /root/JackEEforSpringDemo.bash
# Defalut
$ bash /root/DefaultforSpringDemo.bash
# Jasmine
$ bash /root/JasmineforSpringDemo.bash
2.1.2 JackEE, Default and Jasmine use context-insensitive analysis and taint analysis (corresponding to ID-2-DI(Singleton), ID-3-DI(Prototype), ID-5-InfoLeak)
- Run the following command.
# JackEE
$ bash /root/JackEEforInfoSpringDemo.bash
# Defalut
$ bash /root/DefaultforInfoSpringDemo.bash
# Jasmine
$ bash /root/JasmineforInfoSpringDemo.bash
This project mainly uses maven and IntelliJ IDEA, the maven version is 3.6.1, and the Java version is Java 8.
2.2.1 CHA, SPARK and Jasmine(corresponding to ID-1-EntryPoint, ID-4-SpringAOP, ID-7-Reachable Methods, ID-8-Application Edges)
Open the project with IntelliJ IDEA.
# Modify bean_xml_paths to the absolute path where the corresponding file
bean_xml_paths = /User/Jasmine/demo/target-demo-0.0.1/BOOT-INF/classes/bean.xml
- Modify
//When the following three lines are not commented, jasmine is turned on
29: CreateEdge createEdge = new CreateEdge();
30: String path = ""; // Modify field to the path of in resources
31: createEdge.initCallGraph(path);
74: // turn on SPARK and Jasmine
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "on");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "verbose:true");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "enabled:true");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "propagator:worklist");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "simple-edges-bidirectional:false");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "on-fly-cg:true");
// Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "pre-jimplify:true");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "double-set-old:hybrid");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "double-set-new:hybrid");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "set-impl:double");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "apponly:true");
Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "simple-edges-bidirectional:false");
87: Options.v().set_verbose(true);
89: // turn on CHA
// Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.cha", "on");
// Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.cha", "enabled:true");
// Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.cha", "verbose:true");
// Options.v().setPhaseOption("cg.cha", "apponly:true");
94: // Options.v().set_verbose(true);
- Execute the main method in
- Download TURNER
$ wget
Open the project with IntelliJ IDEA.
Create a libs folder under the project directory and add **PointerAnalysis-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar **to libs.
Add add PointerAnalysis-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the dist directory as a project dependency
Add Jasmine in
24: public static PTA run(String[] args) {
25: PTA pta;
26: new PTAOption().parseCommandLine(args);
27: setupSoot();
// Modify field to the path of in section 1.2.1
CreateEdge createEdge = new CreateEdge(); //add
createEdge.initCallGraph(""); // add
- Execute the main method in
This tab shows the improvement of Jasmine's detection ability of JackEE, including TABLE III, TABLE IV, Fig.5, and Fig.6. Due to differences in the performance of the relevant machines, there may be some minor differences in the correlation results.
The result of TABLE III, Fig.5 and Fig.6 can be counted by executing the following commands.
$ cd /root/newdoop
# Jas_JackEE
$ bash /root/TurnOnJasmine.bash
$ python3 /root/newdoop/
# JackEE
$ bash /root/TurnOffJasmine.bash
$ python3 /root/newdoop/
Dockerfile generates
in /root
. Please modify items according to the output items under /data/doop/out/
process_project_name = mall-admin
Jasmine_CallGraph_Path = /data/doop/out/jasminemall-admin/database/CallGraphEdge.csv
JackEE_CallGraph_Path = /data/doop/out/jackeemall-admin/database/CallGraphEdge.csv
Jasmine_ReachableMethod_Path = /data/doop/out/jasminemall-admin/database/Stats_Simple_Application_ReachableMethod.csv
JackEE_ReachableMethod_Path = /data/doop/out/jackeemall-admin/database/Stats_Simple_Application_ReachableMethod.csv
resultPath = /root/output/
The results of TABLE III and TABLE IV can be counted by executing the following commands.
$ java -jar /root/DataCollect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -c /root/
This table mainly shows the improvement of Jasmine's detection ability of FlowDroid, including the acquisition of all data and charts in Section 5.4 of the paper, mainly including TABLE V. This project mainly uses maven and IntelliJ IDEA, the maven version is 3.6.1, and the Java version is Java 8.
- The first step is to pull the FlowDroid_Jasmine project and the benchmark to the local.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd Benchmark_FlowDroid
$ pwd # Copy the absolute path of Benchmark_FlowDroid
The second step is to open the project with IntelliJ IDEA.
The third step is to modify the relevant configuration under the dataleak Module
// com.taint.analysis.utils.BenchmarksConfig
public class BenchmarksConfig {
// Modify "/users/flowdroidplus/demo" to the absolute path of Benchmark_Flowdroid
private static String basePath = "/Users/FlowDroidPlus/demo";
// com.taint.analysis.Main
// Modify the field of benchmark to project name and the field of analysisalgorithm to the detection algorithm (cha, spark, Jasmine)
13: public static String benchmark = "mall-admin";
14: public static String analysisAlgorithm = "cha";
The fourth step is to add PointerAnalysis-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the dist directory as a project dependency
The fifth step is to modify the content of
according to the actual environment
// Modify "source" and "edge_config" to the path of the corresponding file
"source": "/Users/FlowDroidPlus/dataleak/src/main/resources/source.json",
"main_class": "com.ruoyi.RuoYiApplication",
"edge_config": "/Users/FlowDroidPlus/dataleak/src/main/resources/"
- First, modify the relevant configuration under the soot-infoflow Module
// soot.jimple.infoflow.Infoflow
// Modify the value of analysisAlgorithm according to step 4 (cha, spark, jasmine)
269: String analysisAlgorithm = "cha";
270: if (analysisAlgorithm.equals("cha")) {
271: config.setCallgraphAlgorithm(CallgraphAlgorithm.CHA);
272: } else {
273: config.setCallgraphAlgorithm(CallgraphAlgorithm.SPARK);
274: }
- Execute the main method in
under the dataleak Module