- Allows users to retrieve their tweets from their public twitter account for analysis of personality traits (Big 5, needs, values), as well as positivity sentiment and concepts tweeted about.
- develop: working 'master' branch for all local work (all sub branches feed into this)
- master: original master branch (was used to push to wastonasv.herokuapp.com - old heroku app)
- districtfive: new master branch (used to push to districtfive.herokuapp.com - current working heroku app)
- Victoria Frambach
- [Adam Abeyta] (https://github.com/abeytaadam)
- [Stanley Stevens] (https://github.com/stanleyyork)
- JQuery
- Javascript
- Heroku
- PostgreSQL
- Ruby
- Rail
- Watson API (Personality Insights)
- Watson API (Alchemy)
- Signup/Login with user account (includes name, photo, etc.)
- Add twitter account to retrieve and analyze tweets
- Display tweets on public profile through both words and visuals/graphs
- More personal content analysis (e.g. facebook, articles or books read, etc.)
- Leverage personal analysis for recommendation engine (books, events, etc.)
- Example: http://districtfive.herokuapp.com/stanleyyork
- Go here to register: http://districtfive.herokuapp.com/signup
- Retrieve and analyze tweets
- Visualize!