Welcome to the Small Earth Technology ANT+ class library and examples. My goal is to provide a frictionless as possible implementation to enable applications to interface and acquire data from a variety of ANT+ sensor sources. The primary class is AntPlus and it contains device profiles of ANT+ devices and common data pages. The AntRadioInterface project provides interfaces to implement depending on the hardware being used and lends itself to dependency injection.
The class library is a .NET standard 2.0 compliant assembly in order to provide the broadest application reach, from desktop applications to mobile platforms.
Become an ANT+ Adopter! There is no membership fee. Create a login and go to Become an Adopter. This provides you with access to device profiles, SDK's, and useful software tools.
- Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition or higher.
- OPTIONAL: ANT USB stick hardware and device drivers. I use two sticks, one for simulating devices, and the other for testing. Some example projects require it. You can get them from DigiKey for around $45 for two.
- OPTIONAL: Only needed if you intend to modify the libraries I've provided in the AntUsbStick project. Download the ANT PC SDK zip file, unblock, and install.