Simple server that scrapes Nginx vts stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption
- Dependency
- Download
- Compile
- Config
- Run
- Dockerized
- Metrics
- [Server main](#server main)
- [Server zones](#server zones)
- Upstreams
Binary can be downloaded from Releases page.
This shell script above will build a temp Docker image with the binary and then export the binary inside ./bin/ directory
The application can have a configuration file.
By default, it is located in /etc/nginx-vts-exporter/config.json
This can be overridden via the command line option -config.file /some/path/config.json
Parameters specified in the configuration file are less priority than command line parameters or environment variables.
If the command-line parameter -nginx.scrape_uri
is specified, it will be added to those listed in the configuration file.
If there is no parameter nginxScrapeURIs.hostName in the configuration file, it will be taken from the data nginx-vts-module
nohup /bin/nginx-vts-exporter -nginx.scrape_uri=http://localhost/status/format/json
To Dockerize this application yo need to pass two steps the build then the containerization.
This image is configurable using different env variables
Variable name | Default | Description |
NGINX_STATUS | http://localhost/status/format/json | Nginx JSON format status page |
METRICS_ENDPOINT | /metrics | Metrics endpoint exportation URI |
METRICS_ADDR | :9913 | Metrics exportation address:port |
METRICS_NS | nginx | Prometheus metrics Namespaces |
docker pull
It can be used directly instead of having to build the image yourself. ( repository stereoru/nginx-vts-exporter)
docker build -t vts-export .
docker run -ti --rm --env NGIX_HOST="http://localhost/status/format/json" --env METRICS_NS="nginx_prod1" vts-export
Documents about exposed Prometheus metrics
Metrics details
Nginx data | Name | Exposed informations |
Connections | {NAMESPACE}_server_connections |
status [active, reading, writing, waiting, accepted, handled], hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Metrics output example
# Server Connections
nginx_server_connections{status="accepted", hostName="ngx_host"} 70606
Metrics details
Nginx data | Name | Exposed informations |
Requests | {NAMESPACE}_server_requests |
code [2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, total], host (or domain name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Bytes | {NAMESPACE}_server_bytes |
direction [in, out], host (or domain name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Cache | {NAMESPACE}_server_cache |
status [bypass, expired, hit, miss, revalidated, scarce, stale, updating], host (or domain name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
requestMsec | {NAMESPACE}_server_requestMsec |
host (or domain name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Metrics output example
# Server Requests
nginx_server_requests{code="1xx",host="", hostName="ngx_host"} 0
# Server Bytes
nginx_server_bytes{direction="in",host="", hostName="ngx_host"} 21
# Server Cache
nginx_server_cache{host="",status="bypass", hostName="ngx_host"} 2
# Server RequestMsec
nginx_server_requestMsec{host="", hostName="ngx_host"} 18
Metrics details
Nginx data | Name | Exposed informations |
Requests | {NAMESPACE}_upstream_requests |
code [2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx and total], upstream (or upstream name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Bytes | {NAMESPACE}_upstream_bytes |
direction [in, out], upstream (or upstream name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Response time | {NAMESPACE}_upstream_response |
backend (or server), in_bytes, out_bytes, upstream (or upstream name), hostName (server hostName or hostName from config) |
Metrics output example
# Upstream Requests
nginx_upstream_requests{code="1xx",upstream="XXX-XXXXX-3000", hostName="ngx_host"} 0
# Upstream Bytes
nginx_upstream_bytes{direction="in",upstream="XXX-XXXXX-3000", hostName="ngx_host"} 0
# Upstream Response time
nginx_upstream_response{backend="",upstream="XXX-XXXXX-3000", hostName="ngx_host"} 99