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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This issue is easy to resolve, pass it to members in training for experience.
Extra members requested to be delegated to this issue.
There is an issue with the code.
Move to fix later due to delays. Do not use this with immediate priority.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements / Changes to documentation.
This issue already exists.
Something that requires attention.
Finish this issue AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Issues that are not relevant, or cannot be fixed.
Pull requests that update Java code
Something that is not too important.
Something that is a bit important.
This issue is close to being finished (Minor changes necessary to finish it).
An issue better saved for offseason.
PID needs to be tuned for this issue.
The robot is needed in order to test the fix.
This issue is currently not of high importance to work on.
This issue won't be worked on (Close the issue).
The issue is currently being worked on.
You can’t perform that action at this time.