Godot Addon for enhanced autocomplete and code snippets
This addon integrates with the Script Editor in Godot. It will scan the currently edited line for a pattern that fits one of the loaded macros, and when it finds a match highlight the line in green. Pressing tab will execute the macro on the contents of the line.
Define macros in MagicMacros/Macros. New macros must extend MagicMacrosMacro type. Disable and reenable the plugin afterwards. You may have to do this twice for the new macros to load.
Made a macro? Consider contributing it!
This repository is designed to be loaded as a GIT Submodule. How you add these depends on your client of choice.
Refer to this if you're mad enough to use the command line :P
Alternatively, download the zip from this page and unpack it into your addons folder under res://addons/MagicMacros
- setget = creates a variable with specified name, type, value, if any, and setters and getters.
- init = creates the _init function.
- ready | rdy = creates the _ready function.
- fn | fnc = creates a function with specified name and return type if any.
- node = creates an @onready variable with specified name, type, value if any.
Check out Nylon! https://theduriel.itch.io/nylon
Nylon for Godot is a Deep Dialogue sequencing addon, perfect for making complex RPG dialogue, cutscenes, and more. It's easily modified and used over the network as well, and includes a template project that incldues many many more utility systems for quickly building up your own game. Including menu and game state management, option menus, save files, audio, and more.
I don't have a donation link. But instead of giving something for nothing, you can buy Nylon above! And get something in the process! :D
This repository is provided as is. However I will happily answer questions via twitter: https://twitter.com/the_duriel