FMI v0.8.7
Closed issues:
- Solving non-linear system 101 failed at time (condition must be called in continuoustime mode) (#129)
Merged pull requests:
- WIP: Fmi3 refactor (#126) (@JoKircher)
- Update main to new repo structure (#128) (@stoljarjo)
- Examples (#130) (@stoljarjo)
- Updated FMI.jl Documentation (#131) (@adribrune)
- Updated FMI.jl Documentation (#131) (#132) (@ThummeTo)
- Bug fix for deployment (#133) (@stoljarjo)
- tests for fmi2 passing (#134) (@JoKircher)
- Set names for sidebar and add links to overview (#135) (@stoljarjo)
- added FAQ section (#137) (@ThummeTo)
- Modify actions (#138) (@stoljarjo)
- Set Parameter fix (#139) (@ThummeTo)