"Design and Implementation of Lathe-based and Cross-sectional Organic 3D Modeling and Animation via Sketching and Graphing"
This project aims to make organic 3D modeling and animation more accessible to beginners and 2D-centric artists.
Figure 1. Parameterized Lathe Model Components (revolved surfaces)
Figure 2. Cross-sectional Model Components (inflated side-views)
Figure 3. Animation of Curves and Parameters
Figure 4. Secondary Cross Sections (animated)
Figure 5: a, b, & c. Exporting Model to OBJ and Applying Modifiers in Outside Programs (Blender Subdivision)
Figure 7. Able-bodied Charmander
Figure 9. A Small Army of Hip-hop Enthusiasts
Figure 10. Porpoise-like Figure Gawking in an Ostentatious Manner
- Gui: Dear ImGui & imgui_markdown
- Serialization: Boost
- OpenGL Rendering: GLEW & GLFW
- Math: GLM
- Image Loading: stb_image