In this task, we will fetch some data from a server. The data we receive will be in JSON format and will contain a quote. We will use fetch to send a GET request to https://meowfacts.herokuapp.com/ and will extract the data from the response object. Remember to go step by step, break down each step, and plan before you code.https://zenquotes.io/api/random/
👉 Write an async function called getQuote
👉 Use fetch to send a GET request to https://meowfacts.herokuapp.com/ and store the resolved value of the returned promise in a variable called https://zenquotes.io/api/random/
👉 Call the .json()
method on the response variable to parse the JSON data contained in the response object. Store the resolved value of the returned promise in a variable called data
👉 Use that data to set the text of the h1
with id "quote"
Hint: You can use console.log
to have a look at the structure of the data object to figure out how to get just the quote out!
👉 Call this function so that the quote appears as soon as the page loads.
Sweet - we're getting a new inspirational quote every time the page is refreshed! Let's make the page more interactive.
👉 Attach an event listener to the button already on the page with id "new-quote-button"
to call getQuote
when the user clicks.
Note: As it's a free API, requests are limited to five per 30 second period; if you exceed this, until that timer resets, you'll receive: "Too many requests. Obtain an auth key for unlimited access."
We're now going to display every quote we fetch in a list so that we don't forget our favorites.
👉 Create a function that takes in a string, creates a new list item with that string, and adds it to the ol
with the id "quote-history"
👉 Call this function within your getQuote
function so that the quotes get stored in the "quote-history"
What would happen if the API repeated a quote? Let's ensure that that doesn't affect our list of quotes.
👉 Change your code so that if a repeat quote is generated, it will not be added again to the list of previous quotes. This means that your list should not contain any duplicates.
👉 Have a quote added to the history list only when a new quote is generated so that the same quote is never on the screen in two places.
👉 Look at the API documentation to see other ways that you can fetch from the quotes API. Can you implement any additional features using that information?
👉 If you've fully explored the Zen Quotes API and have time left over, check out other publically available, free APIs. Can you use any of them to add any features to your app?