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tristan edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 1 revision

New input event system

Previously the BF BGE and UPBGE was loosing input events if the framerate was low. To fix this issue a major refactor was needed.

With the refactor, all inputs are represented by a python proxy name SCA_InputEvent. This input class give access to every status of the key from the last frame:


Which mean that if the input is pressed and released just after the list will contains [0, 2, 0]. Else if the input is release and pressed again : [2, 0, 2] (Asuming 2 is bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE).

For the user, checking if a input was active is done by the condition:

if bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE in input.status:
	pass # Do something

The status list always contains one value and the first value is the last value of the same list the last frame.

The input class also expose the events received for the given input:


In the same example if the input is pressed and released the list will contains [1, 3]. In the reverse case it will be : [3, 1] (Asuming 1 is bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED and 3 bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_RELEASED).

For the user, checking if a input is pressed or released is done by the condition:

if bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED in input.queue:
	pass # Input pressed

if bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_RELEASED in input.queue:
	pass # Input released

The queue list can be empty.

The final list exposed in the input class is about values of the input:


This list is useful only for movement mouse inputs. For example to detect the movement speed of the mouse wheel:

import bge
speed = bge.logic.mouse.inputs[].values[0]

This same list can also be used to detect every position the mouse covered. As status, queue always contains one value and the first value is the last value of the same list the last frame.

The input class is get from the keyboard class or mouse class:

# For keyboard

#For mouse

The old, keyboard.active_events and are kept for compatibility but strongly deprecated as the conversion for compatibility is not perfect.

See also: SCA_InputEvent, SCA_PythonKeyboard and SCA_PythonMouse.

Level of detail

The user is now able to control the lods in game. He can replace a list of lod and apply a factor to the distance used for lod.

First, the list of lod is accessible in a lod manager (KX_LodManager) from KX_GameObject:


In this lod manager, the user can read all lod infos from KX_LodLevel accesible from:


The KX_LodLevel class expose attributs:


Secondly the distance used to compute lod can be multiplied by a factor in KX_Camera and in KX_LodManager:


The both factor are applied to the lod distance.

See also: KX_LodManager and KX_LodLevel.

Object bounding box

Is now possible to the user to access to the game object bouding box via KX_BoundingBox. This bounding box class allow the user to modify the min and max of the box and allow auto update. The bounding box is get from:


And expose attributs:


It's advised to set autoUpdate to False before alterate min and max.

See also: KX_BoundingBox.

Vertex Array Object

VAO are now used in render if the user select VBO. This improvement speedup of 16% the material switch during render.

KX_2DFilter.setTexture(index, bindCode[, samplerName])

The function KX_2DFilter.setTexture now allow the user to pass the sampler name to avoid the call to setSampler in the user side. The samplerName argument is optional to leave the user change a texture bindcode.

filter.setTexture(0, texture.bindCode, "textureDiffuse")
# Instead of:
filter.setTexture(0, texture.bindCode)
filter.setSampler("textureDiffuse", 0)

See also: KX_2DFilter.setTexture.

Debug culling box center

The "Show Bounding Box" debug option now draw the center of the bounding box.

Refactors and cleanups

  • Common launcher system (see #831d91a)
  • Set material constant option flag enabled for all categories at material construction (see #ee8ef25)
  • Remove SG_QList from PyObjectPlus (see #7b9d27d)

Bugs fixed

  • Fix diffuseColor and specularColor getters (see #8d36956)
  • Fix Linear velocity in KX_ObjectActuator (see #3b5b786)
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