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tgilman edited this page Feb 5, 2013 · 1 revision


Installing the OpenVXML Designer

Installing the OpenVXML Designer requires two steps. First, install the JRE if it's not already (or the JDK if you plan to develop plugins for OpenVXML). Check to see if you already have the current version of the JRE installed by looking in your Programs menu or folder first; OpenVXML 4.0 requires Java 6.0. You can also find out if you have java installed and what version it is by running the following at the command prompt:

 java -version

If the JRE needs to be installed, download it from Sun here. Follow the link, and then download and install the latest release of the 6.0 JRE for your platform (Windows, Linux, SPARC or Solaris), or the JDK if you plan to develop OpenVXML plugins.

Mac users: Apple releases its own version of Java; you can find out about getting your system updated here.

Second, run the OpenVXML installer. A dialog box will prompt you to choose the location of the installation. This step takes a few minutes when run for the first time. The progress bar will indicate the status of installation.

Running OpenVXML for the first time

The first time OpenVXML Designer is run, a dialog will appear asking which workspace is to be used. The workspace in Eclipse is the location where all of your voice application data will be stored -- the callflows, audio files, grammar files, etc. It can be anywhere that makes sense for you. Whichever location you chose, Eclipse will remember this the next time you run the OpenVXML Designer and suggest it as the workspace to use. If you don't plan on using more than one workspace, you can check the Use this as the default and do not ask again option to skip this screen from now on.

Once Eclipse has started, you may see the Welcome screen. If so, click the Go to Workbench icon in the upper right corner.

After clicking the 'Go to the Workbench' icon, your screen may look something like this:

The thing to look for is the current Perspective, which you can see in the upper right corner of the screen. If it doesn't say OpenVXML, then you'll want to activate it. To change this, click Window -> Open Perspective -> Other...

Select the OpenVXML Perspective and then click OK.

You'll know you're ready to go when you see something that looks a lot like this:

You can now see the three basic views you'll use as an OpenVXML developer -- the Project Explorer (on the left), the Canvas (blank area in the middle), and the Voice Pallet (on the right). We'll cover these in more detail later.