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Hack for bug 19766 - Biomutant (597820) [T5] Title Hangs After Intro Cut Scene Unless Skipped.

Unreal Engine 4 games expect presentation clock correlated time to run past media source
duration[1], which assumes that all streams in a media source have the same duration.
Biomutant_Trailer.mp4 from Biomutant(597820) has a 1:27.734s video stream and a 1:27.776s
audio stream so the media source duration is reported to be 1:27.776s. However, the game
builds a topology that only uses the video stream. So the last presentation clock correlated
time could be something before the media source duration 1:27.776s before it's stopped. In
Unreal Engine 4.18 source, on every frame FWmfMediaSession::GetEvents()[2] checks
"Time > CurrentDuration" to decide whether to stop its media session. With the time check
fails, the game will hang forever waiting for the session to stop. This hack shortens the
media source duration to satisfy the condition check. The reason why it works on Windows is
probably due to a delay caused a busy CPU and different scheduling.

[1][2]: UnrealEngine-4.18/Engine/Plugins/Media/WmfMedia/Source/WmfMedia/Private/Wmf/WmfMediaSession.cpp#FWmfMediaSession::GetEvents()

CW-Bug-Id: #19766
Assets 2