#Easy WP Admin Customizer
Para instalar basta adicionar a pasta do plugin ao wp-content/plugins ou realizar o upload da pasta zipada na seção de plugins do WordPress.
Após instalado e ativado acesse a área de opções dentro da seção "Configurações" - Easy WP Admin Customizer.
##Now you have a quickly and simple way to clean your admin area and create your own custom widget box.
It's also a great way to keep your branding or logo in the admin dashboards of the site that you have created.
Developed by a brazilian developer, to the whole world! o/
== Installation ==
- Upload the plugin 'Easy WP Admin Customizer' in the directory '/wp-content/plugins/'.
- Active in the 'Plugins' options.
- Go to 'Settings' and then in 'Easy WP Admin Customizer'.
Status of refactoring code: Starting in 1 week!