- Test images download: http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/lfw.tgz
- Pairs file download: http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/pairs.txt
- Face bounding box and landmarks: lfw_face_info.txt
- Code for cropping face: crop_lfw_by_arcface.py
- Test images & pairs file & landmarks: http://www.whdeng.cn/CPLFW/index.html?reload=true#download
- Code for cropping face: crop_cplfw_by_arcface.py
- Test images & pairs file & landmarks: http://www.whdeng.cn/CALFW/index.html?reload=true#download
- Code for cropping face: crop_calfw_by_arcface.py
- Test images & pairs file & landmarks : http://www.whdeng.cn/RFW/testing.html
- Code for cropping face: crop_rfw_by_arcface.py
- Test images & pairs file & landmarks:
- Code for cropping face: crop_agedb_by_arcface.py
- Web site: http://megaface.cs.washington.edu/
- Face bounding box and landmarks of Facescrub: facescrub_face_info.txt
- Face bounding box and landmarks of Megaface: megaface_face_info.txt(Google,Baidu)
- Code for cropping Facescrub: crop_facescrub_by_arcface.py
- Code for cropping Megaface: crop_megaface_by_arcface.py
- facescrub2template_name: facescrub2template_name.txt
- Code for cropping Facescrub: crop_facescrub_by_arcface.py
- Code for cropping Megaface: crop_megaface_by_arcface.py
- Code for cropping upper-half face: crop_megaface_by_arcface.py
(1) backbone_conf.yaml: the same with the one in training mode.
(2) data_conf.yaml
- pairs_file_path: the path of the official released pairs file.
- croped_face_folder: the directory which contains the cropped faces.
- image_list_file_path: the path of the cropped face images, which is a path relative to croped_face_folder.
- facescrub_list: the path of 'facescrub_features_list.json' released by MegaFace.
- megaceface_list: the path of 'megaface_features_list.json_1000000_1' released by MegaFace.
- facescrub_noises_file: the path of 'facescrub_noises.txt' released by insightface.
- megaface_noises_file: the path of 'megaface_noises.txt' released by insightface.
- megaface-mask: if 1, test on MegaFace-Mask, and 0 otherwise.
Note: currently support LFW, CPLFW, CALFT, RFW and AgeDB.
(1) modify the config in test_lfw.sh, and detailed description about configuration can be found in test_lfw.py.
(2) sh test_lfw.sh
(1) modify the config in extract_feature.sh, and detailed description about configuration can be found in extract_feature.py.
(2) sh extract_feature.sh
(3) modify the config in remove_noises.sh, and detailed description about configuration can be found in remove_noises.py.
(3) sh remove_noises.sh
(4) modify the config in test_megaface.sh, and detailed description about configuration can be found in test_megaface.py.
(5) sh test_megaface.sh
(1) Add mask on face images of Facescurb by FMA-3D. You can directly run add_mask_all.py with the following setting:
is_aug = False
image_name2template_name_file = '' #the path of facescrub2template_name.txt
face_root = '' #the root directory for facescrub.
face_info_file = '' #the path of facescrub_face_info.txt
masked_face_root: '' #the target root to save the masked facescrub.
Download these two files firstly: facescrub2template_name.txt, facescrub_face_info.txt.
(2) Crop face from the masked face by crop_facescrub_by_arcface.py.
(3) Edit the config in data_conf.yaml.
megaface-mask : 1
masked_croped_face_folder: #the root folder of the cropped and masked facescrub.
masked_image_list_file: #the relative path list of the facescrub.
(4) Evaluation
sh extract_feature.sh
sh remove_noises.sh
sh test_megaface.sh
1)The last parameter of 'CommonTestDataset' indicates whether to crop the upper-half face (eye part). You should set it to True in extract_feature.py(line 38, line 48) if you want to evaluate a model trained by upper-half face. Meanwhile, the 'out_h' in backbone_conf.yaml should be set to 4 and the 'megaface-mask' in data_conf.yaml should be set to 1.
2)In order to evaluate the accuracy of two ensembled models (by concatenating features), you should first concatenate the features of two models by feat_concat.py, and then set 'is_concat' in test_megaface.sh to 1.
- Please make sure that the 'model_loader.load_model()' can load your model successfully. Otherwise you should implement your 'load_model()' method in model_loader.py.