Caveat emptor as always.
XMonad uses the build script at "$HOME/.xmonad/build" when recompiling
(xmonad --recompile
Moving it to $HOME/.xmonad/xmonad86_64..
For more information
Install stack
$ yay -S stack[-static]
Use stack to install xmonad and xmobar
This will send the executables ~/.local/bin, don't forget to add this to your path.
$ stack install xmonad xmobar xmonad-contrib
# or
$ apt instal xmonad xmonad-contrib xmobar
Build the project
$ git clone xmonad-config ~/.xmonad
$ cd ~/.xmonad
$ stack upgrade
$ stack build :my-xmonad
Replace the ~/.xmonad/xmonad_x86 executable:
$ make all
$ xmonad --recompile (&& xmonad-restart)
Install the xmonad session file for lightdm
$ make install
├── Modules
│ ├── Keys.hs
│ ├── Layouts.hs
│ ├── MyTreeSelect.hs
│ └── Others.hs
└── xmonad.hs