In this task, you will build a simple e-commerce app using Flutter. The app will use the API to retrieve and modify product data.
- Dart
- Flutter
- GetX
- Hive
- A home page that displays a list of products retrieved from the store API. Eachproduct will have an image, a title, and a price. Also a searching capability for a product with its name.
- A product detail page that displays the full details of a product retrieved from the store API, including its image, title, price, and description.
- A cart page that displays the list of products in the user's cart, along with the total price of the items in the cart. The cart will be stored in a state management solution (e.g. Provider, Bloc, GetX, Riverpod, ..etc). You can use any state management you prefer.
- A checkout page ( just UI ) that allows the user to enter a shipping address and select the payment method.