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Automation test project for AElf

Config myget source URL to AElfProject

nuget sources Add -Name -Source

Clone and build code

git clone
cd ./aelf-automation-test
dotnet build --configuration Release -o ./build-test-dir

CLI tool

  • AElfChain.Console

Test scripts

  • AElf.Automation.Contracts.ScenarioTest
  • AElf.Automation.ContractsTesting
  • AElf.Automation.EconomicSystem.Tests
  • AElf.Automation.RpcPerformance
  • AElf.Automation.ScenariosExecution
  • AElf.Automation.SetTransactionFees
  • AElf.Automation.SideChainVerification

How to run


AElfChain.Console provide lots of convenient commands to help you check node status and transaction execution.


  1. [chain]-Query block chain api
  2. [cross-chain-tx]-Cross chain transactions
  3. [analyze]-Analyze block chain blocks and transactions
  4. [call]-Call contract view methods
  5. [send]-Execute contract action methods
  6. [system-contracts]-Query all system contracts
  7. [token-balance]-Query token balance info
  8. [proposal]-Query Proposal info by Id
  9. [consensus]-Query current miners information
  10. [deploy]-Deploy contract with authority permission
  11. [update]-Update contract with authority permission
  12. [token-transfer]-Transfer token to tester
  13. [resource]-Resource buy and sell
  14. [connector]-Set token connector
  15. [tx-fee]-Get/Set transaction method fee
  16. [tx-limit]-Get/Set transaction execution limit


Performance testing, you can run huge transactions to test node stability and transaction execution tps. Following are details about running step and how to configuration.

1.Prepare test contract MultiToken to default directory

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/aelf/contracts
cp AElf.Contracts.MultiToken.dll ~/.local/share/aelf/contracts

2.Add your nodes configuration setting files in directory bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/config. All these information used to contract deployment proposal approve and prepare ELF token for transaction execution. So you need to set node configurations and also you need to copy all nodes accounts into test directory bin/Debug/netcore3.0/aelf/keys.

  • Running standalone node, you just need to add one node settings in configuration.
  • Running multiple nodes, you need to set all nodes information to configuration. Test cannot execute authority transactions without nodes setting.
  "RequireAuthority": true,
  "Nodes": [
      "name": "stand-alone-node",
      "endpoint": "",
      "account": "G6eX2WYjeUXptQXs24QDSMiRHTMFG23PLKVFhLU1zek6SYjut",
      "password": "123"
  "NativeTokenSymbol" : "ELF",
  "DefaultPassword": "123"

3.Set rpc-performance.json to set transaction limit and testing mode.

    "GroupCount": 4,
    "TransactionCount": 30,
    "EnableRandomTransaction": true,
    "ServiceUrl": "",
    "SentTxLimit": 100,
    "ExecuteMode": 4,
    "Timeout": 300,
    "RandomSenderTransaction": true,
    "NodeTransactionLimit": {
        "enable_limit": true,
        "max_transactions_select": 20
    "RequestRandomEndpoint": {
        "enable_random": true,
        "endpoint_list": [

Adpot GroupCount and TransactionCount number can control transaction sent number frequency.
GroupCount: how many threads to sent transaction.
TransactionCount: how many transactions sent each time in one thread. EnableRandomTransaction: set whether sent transaction with random number from arrange (1, TransactionCount).
ServiceUrl: node web api address and port to start execution.
SentTxLimit: if transaction hub have more than specified txs, test will wait and not send txs.
RandomSenderTransaction: sent transaction with sender are random, lot of transaction groups with set this value as true. NodeTransactionLimit: set node select transaction number in each block execution. RequestRandomEndpoint: set whether sent request to other endpoints.


dotnet AElf.Automation.RpcPerformance.dll //nodes.json is default value and can be ignored
dotnet AElf.Automation.RpcPerformance.dll -c other-nodes.json


Scenario testing, test covered a lot of scenarios about contracts execution. Detail scenarios included please refer document introduction.

  1. Prepare nodes account files and copied to test script execution path ./aelf/keys.
  2. Modify scenario-nodes config
    According test requirement, you can modify each test scenario interval and disable those scenarios you didn't want to run.
  3. Run command to start
dotnet AElf.Automation.ScenarioExecution.dll
dotnet AElf.Automation.ScenarioExecution.dll -c nodes.json


Due to long time running and user balance verification, all scenario test users are specified and would not used for other test. So for this test all testers are prepared and other accounts exclude node accounts and tester accounts, others are deleted automatically when propgram started. And you also no need to prepare test contracts, they are also prepared.


Set transaction fees for all system contract. This script will go through all system contract methods and set transaction method fee via authority. Except following methods not set due to design:

1. InitialAElfConsensusContract
2. FirstRound
3. NextRound
4. AEDPoSContractStub.NextTerm
5. UpdateValue
6. UpdateTinyBlockInformation
7. ClaimTransactionFees
8. DonateResourceToken
9. RecordCrossChainData
10. ChargeTransactionFees
11. CheckThreshold
12. CheckResourceToken
13. ChargeResourceToken


dotnet AElf.Automation.SetTransactionFees -c nodes.json -e -a 50000000
-c nodes config info
-e endpoint connected to
-a transaction fee amount


Automation test project for AElf






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  • C# 97.9%
  • Shell 2.0%
  • Batchfile 0.1%