Time spent: 20 hrs
- Hamburger menu
- Dragging anywhere in the view should reveal the menu.
- The menu should include links to your profile, the home timeline, and the mentions view.
- The menu can look similar to the LinkedIn menu below or feel free to take liberty with the UI.
- Profile page
- Contains the user header view
- Contains a section with the users basic stats: # tweets, # following, # followers
- Home Timeline
- Tapping on a user image should bring up that user's profile page
- Profile Page
- Optional: Implement the paging view for the user description.
- Optional: As the paging view moves, increase the opacity of the background screen. See the actual Twitter app for this effect
- Optional: Pulling down the profile page should blur and resize the header image.
- Optional: Account switching
- Long press on tab bar to bring up Account view with animation
- Tap account to switch to
- Include a plus button to Add an Account
- Swipe to delete an account
GIF created with LiceCap.
- For app to work properly, you need to provide a valid Twitter application Consumer Key and Consmer Secret to the app. They can be created by going to Application Management Console and clicking Create New App
- After the creadentails are generated, you can get the credentials from Keys and Access Tokens tab
- To add Consumer Key and Consmer Secret to the app, do following:
- Open CredentialsInfo.plist in Twitter folder
- Set ConsumerKey key's value to your app's Consumer Key
- Set ConsumerSecret key's value to your app's Consmer Secret
- Save the file
- Operating System: Yosemite v10.10.4
- Xcode v7.0
- iOS v9.0
- Devices
- iPhone 6 Simulator