Sentiment analysis task on the Amazon jewelry reviews dataset
- Data cleaning on the dataset
- Convert all reviews into lowercase
- Remove HTML/URL content from reviews
- Remove non-alphabetic characters
- Remove extra spaces
- Perform contractions on the reviews
- Preprocessing steps
- Stop word removal
- Lemmatization
- Feature extraction using TF-IDF
- Train models such as
- Single Layer Perceptron
- Support Vector Machine
- Logistic Regression
- Multinomial Naive Bayes
- Data cleaning on the dataset
- Convert all reviews into lowercase
- Remove HTML/URL content from reviews
- Remove non-alphabetic characters
- Remove extra spaces
- No preprocessing steps such as stop word removal or lemmatization
- Generate features using Word2Vec
- Performed comparison between pretrained 'word2vec-google-news-300' model and training a Word2Vec model from scratch.
- Utilize these features and train models such as
- Single Layer Perceptron
- Support Vector Machine
- Feed forward neural networks
- Recurrent neural networks
- Simple RNN
- RNN with GRU