project code : thinkable-head-979
Kapsi is a Online Cab Booking Application in Java using Spring Boot with Source Code.
Kapsi is restful service for the Cab Booking Application with all neccessary API. This project is developed to allow customers to create a trip, schedule a trip, book a cab for trip, select driver for trip based for driver ratings.
- Abhishek D. Patil | Github - Team Lead
Login Module
Admin Module
Customer Module
Driver Management Module
Cab Management Module
Booking Management Module
- Cab Management
- Driver Management
- Booking Management
Customer can able to create acconuts and login into the application.
Customer can able to create a new trip, book a trip, schedule a trip, select driver for trip and give ratings to the driver.
Customer can update their account details, can view the list of all customer and can change the status of trip booking.
Driver can also create a account and login into the application using their credentials.
This is construct week group project of 4 collaborative team members built in 4 days.
Advance Java
Spring Boot
Spring Validation