An emoji-centric NLP resources based on Twitter Data
EmoTag is a collection of resources for analyzing the emotion and sentiment of Emojis as well as Tweets written in English. The name EmoTag indicates its usefulness in exploiting emojis for emotional tagging.
Baseline Emoji Emotion Scores: 1200 Emoji-Emotion pairs annotated by humans. It contains emotion scores ranging from 0 to 1 for 150 most popular Twitter emojis for 8 emotion classes (i.e. anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, and trust). [Download Scores] [Download Details]
Interpretable Word Vectors: A 620-dimensional vector representation of words and emojis trained on ~20.8 million emoji-centric Twitter data. [Download]
Raw Tweets: This contains Tweet IDs of ~20.8 million tweets used in our experiments. Please contact us if you need additional samples. [Download All Tweet IDs]
Word-Emoji Co-occurrence Frequencies: This lexicon provides word-emoji co-occurrence frequencies observed in our dataset. [Download]
Emoji-Emoji Co-occurrence Frequencies: This is the subset of the previous lexicon (i.e. Word-Emoji co-occurrences) which contains only emoji-emoji co-occurrence counts observed in our dataset. This would be useful if someone quickly wants to find co-occurring emojis. [Download]
Please cite the following paper if using any of our resources in an academic publication:
- EmoTag1200 👍 : Understanding the Association between Emojis 😄 and Emotions 😻. Abu Awal Md Shoeb, and Gerard de Melo, EMNLP 2020, November 2020. [BibTeX][Presentation][Video]
- EmoTag – Towards an Emotion-Based Analysis of Emojis. Abu Awal Md Shoeb, Shahab Raji, Gerard de Melo. RANLP 2019, September 2019. [BibTex][Presentation]
- Email: [email protected]