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IMU Based Pedestrian Localization for ROS

Foot mounted IMU based localization using dead reckoning and Zero-Velocity updates. SHOE detecor is used to detect zero velocity time instances.

Some parts of the EKF algorithm were derived from


  • ROS
  • Python 3.5 / 3.6
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib


Make sure correct python version is mentioned in line 1

Install following packages

 sudo apt-get install python3-yaml
 sudo apt-get install python3-tk
 sudo pip3 install rospkg catkin_pkg numpy matplotlib

Subscribed Topics

  • sensor_msgs/IMU : /footIMU/IMU

Published Topics

  • nav_msgs/Odometry: /imu_odometry

The topics can be remapped or changed in the launch file.

Compile and run the package

  roslaunch imu_odometry imu_odometry.launch


The user can wear the IMU in any orientation on the foot. The published odometry values are orientation calibrated values.

  • Roll and Pitch angle is calibrated perpendicular to gravity vector. Initial 100 imu readings will be used for this calibration.
  • Yaw angle calibration is done according to initial motion direction. The required initial motion distance can be configured in the parameter file.

Human Orientation Approximation

The orientation of the human is approximated using Foot orientation. Three approximation methods are provided.

  • 'Real' : IMU Yaw will be published. This will be the foot Yaw, not the Human Yaw
  • 'Zupt' : Yaw will be updated only at Foot Zero Velocity instances
  • 'Stable' : Yaw will be updated when the foot is approximately horizontal. This will reduce Yaw distortions when foot inclined with respect to floor


Refer 'yaw_pub_method' parameter in parameters.yaml file within config directory.

  • imu_topic : Subscribed IMU topic. (Default: /footIMU/IMU)

  • yaw_pub_method: Human Orientation Approximation Method. (Default: 'Stable')

  • yaw_pub_latch: If true, odometry will keep publishing using last known Orientation, until an orientation update is available. Else, odometry is published only when an Orientation update is available (Default: true)

  • calibrate_yaw: Calibrate yaw angle according to initial walking direction. (Default: false)

  • calibration_distance: Yaw calibration will be performed considering readings upto this walking distance. (Default: 2m)


Example: calibration_distance = 2

Odometry will not be published until user walks two 2m. Once the initial motion is completed, calibrated odometry values (including time-stamped previous values) will be published.


A demo application to read and publish odometry data from a CSV file is also provided.

Copy the IMU data CSV file to "/data/" folder. The CSV file name can be given as program input arguments or else can be edited in line72 of file.

Note: The CSV file should be run from within the main directory

The program can be run in any of the following ways

 python3 ./scripts/    # To run default CSV, set in line 72
 python3 ./scripts/ human_2020-07-01-15-27-07
 python3 ./scripts/ human_2020-07-01-15-27-07.csv

The output trajectory will be automatically saved to "/results/" folder, as a CSV file and also 2D image.

Use the following command to generate data CSV file from IMU data ROS bag file.


  rostopic echo -b "fileName.bag" -p '/topicName' > "fileName.csv" # to generate the CSV file 

IMU Data Rate Adjustment (Important)

The program automatically detects the IMU data rate (Ex: 40Hz, 200Hz) from the data time-stamps. However, if there are communication delays in the data; better results can be obtained by using a fixed value (hardcoding) the data rate.

To do this, uncomment line 115 in /scripts/ file and set the IMU sensor sample rate.


Foot mounted IMU based pedestrian localization ROS Package






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