Analyzing youth and adult crime in Louisiana
NIBRS Data: National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Series
The UCR data comes from the FBI Uniform Crime Report. For our analysis, we consider data from law enforcement agencies reporting both full and partial data. Specifically, we considered agencies that reported between 1-12 months of UCR data. Note that between 2017 and 2022, there have been a different number of law enforcement agencies submitting to UCR yearly. Specifically, in 2017, 197 agencies submitted UCR data, in 2018, 197 agencies submitted UCR data, in 2019, 188 agencies submitted UCR data, in 2020, 187 agencies submitted UCR data, in 2021, 136 agencies submitted UCR data, and in 2022, 151 agencies submitted UCR data. Please also note that all of our under-18 crime data are crimes that have been cleared (or closed). This means that the case ended with an arrest or through exceptional means.
The NIBRS data comes from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Series data frames via the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. Between 2017 and 2022, there have been a different number of law enforcement agencies in Louisiana submitting to NIBRS yearly. Specifically, in 2017, 33 agencies submitted NIBRS data, in 2018, 34 agencies submitted NIBRS data, in 2019, 30 agencies submitted NIBRS data, in 2020, 70 agencies submitted NIBRS data, in 2021, 143 agencies submitted NIBRS data, and in 2022, 137 agencies submitted NIBRS data.