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Add new instructions for spatial join evaluation
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1. Setting up PostgreSQL and PostGIS for Ubuntu 24.04
2. Create a new database in a seperate directory
3. Get data from SPARQL endpoint and load it into the database
4. Create table with four columns (id, class, type, geometry)

TODO: Add instructions for the evaluation of variants of our spatial
join algorithm, using `scripts/`.
  • Loading branch information
Hannah Bast committed Jan 9, 2025
1 parent c229a5e commit 225ea14
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 0 deletions.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions evaluation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Evaluation instructions and results

We evaluated the performance of our spatial join and compared it against
PostgreSQL+PostGIS. In the following sections, we provide instructions and
results for the evaluation.

## Setup PostgreSQL and PostGIS on Ubuntu 24.04

We first install the required packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin

Next, we create a new database in a directory of our choice.

export POSTGIS_DIR=/local/data-ssd/postgis/spatialjoin
sudo mkdir -p ${POSTGIS_DIR} && sudo chown postgres:postgres ${POSTGIS_DIR}
sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/initdb -D ${POSTGIS_DIR}
sudo vim ${POSTGIS_DIR}/postgresql.conf
EDIT: work_mem = 4MB
EDIT: max_worker_processes = 8
EDIT: max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2
EDIT: max_parallel_workers = 8
sudo su - postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/pg_ctl -D ${POSTGIS_DIR} -l logfile start"
psql -U postgres -c "SHOW data_directory;"
psql -U postgres -c "SHOW work_mem;"

Optionally, set up the `postgres` user and group (only neeeded on machines,
where the changes to `/etc/passwd` and `/etc/group` from the installation are
not persistent), and create a simple `.bashrc` file for the `postgres` user.

export POSTGRES_UID=$(stat -c %u ${POSTGIS_DIR})
sudo groupadd -g 114 postgres && sudo useradd -u 115 -g 114 -s /bin/bash -m -d /local/data-ssd/postgis postgres
echo -e 'export PS1="\u@\h:\W$ "\nalias ll="ls -alh"' > .bashrc
ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile

## Create a database (if not already created), and list existing tables and indexes

Create a database `spatialjoin_db`, enable PostGIS, and list all public (that
is, not system) tables and indexes in the `spatialjoin_db` database (the `+`
provides additional information). The first two commands will do nothing if
the database and extension were already created before.

sudo su - postgres -c "createdb spatialjoin_db"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\dt+ public.*"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\di+ public.*"

To remove tables and indexes with a certain prefix, use the following commands:

psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "DROP TABLE public.freiburg*;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "DROP INDEX public.freiburg*;"

## Get data, load it into the database, and query it

The following `curl` command produces a TSV file from a SPARQL query that
contains all geometries that are contained in the region specified by the
`osmrel:...` relation. The table has two columns: `osm_id` and `geometry`.

export NAME=freiburg
curl -s -H "Accept: text/csv" -H "Content-type: application/sparql-query" --data "PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX ogc: <> PREFIX osmrel: <> SELECT ?osm_id ?geometry WHERE { osmrel:62768 ogc:sfContains ?osm_id . ?osm_id geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry }" | sed 's/,/\t/;s||osm|;s|/|:|;s/"//g' > $NAME.tsv

The following commands load the data into the database, and create a spatial index.
This produces one table called `${NAME}` and two indexes called `${NAME}_pkey`
and `${NAME}_geom_idx`.

psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE TABLE ${NAME} (id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, geom GEOMETRY);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE TABLE ${NAME}_loader (id VARCHAR, geom_text VARCHAR);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\copy ${NAME}_loader FROM '$(pwd)/${NAME}.tsv' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'\t', HEADER true);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "INSERT INTO ${NAME} (id, geom) SELECT id, ST_GeomFromText(geom_text, 4326) FROM ${NAME}_loader;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "DROP table ${NAME}_loader;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${NAME};"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE INDEX ${NAME}_geom_idx ON ${NAME} USING GIST (geom);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\dt+ public.${NAME}*"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\di+ public.${NAME}*"

The following commands compute the complete spatial self-join and output its
size. The first command only computes the number of candidate pairs (that is,
the number of pairs of geometries that have a bounding box overlap). The second
command computes the exact number of pairs that intersect.

psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${NAME} AS a, ${NAME} AS b WHERE a.geom && b.geom;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${NAME} AS a, ${NAME} AS b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"

# Create table for complete OSM data

The following produces a TSV file for all OSM objects of a certain class. The
TSV file has four columns: the OSM id, the class name, the type, and the

export CLASS=building
curl -s -H "Accept: text/tab-separated-values" -H "Content-type: application/sparql-query" --data "PREFIX osm: <> PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX ogc: <> PREFIX osmrel: <> PREFIX osmkey: <> SELECT (REPLACE(REPLACE(STR(?osm_id_), STR(osm:), \"osm\"), \"/\", \":\") AS ?osm_id) (REPLACE(STR(osmkey:${CLASS}), STR(osmkey:), \"\") AS ?predicate) ?type ?geometry WHERE { { SELECT ?osm_id_ (SAMPLE(?type_) AS ?type) WHERE { ?osm_id_ osmkey:${CLASS} ?type_ } GROUP BY ?osm_id_ } ?osm_id_ geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry }" | sed 's/"//g;s/\^\^<http[^\t]*>$//' > ${CLASS}.tsv

export NAME=osm-planet
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE TABLE ${NAME} (id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, class VARCHAR, type VARCHAR, geom GEOMETRY);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE TABLE ${NAME}_loader (id VARCHAR, class VARCHAR, type VARCHAR, geom_text VARCHAR);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "COPY ${NAME}_loader FROM '$(pwd)/building.tsv' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'\t', HEADER true);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "COPY ${NAME}_loader FROM '$(pwd)/highway.tsv' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'\t', HEADER true);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "INSERT INTO ${NAME} (id, class, type, geom) SELECT DISTINCT ON (id) id, class, type, ST_GeomFromText(geom_text, 4326) FROM ${NAME}_loader;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "DROP table ${NAME}_loader;"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${NAME};"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE INDEX ${NAME}_geom_idx ON ${NAME} USING GIST (geom);"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\dt+ public.${NAME}*"
psql -U postgres -d spatialjoin_db -c "\di+ public.${NAME}*"

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