This tool provides a web interface for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis preference elicitation. Currently, it supports eliciting the following types of preference information:
- Linear partial value functions
- Piece-wise linear partial value functions using MACBETH
- Ordinal criteria trade-offs (ordinal SWING)
- Exact criteria trade-off ratios (exact SWING)
- Imprecise criteria trade-off ratios (interval SWING)
The tool uses the Patavi web service wrapper for R and the 'hitandrun' and 'smaa' R packages to calculate MCDA results during and after the preference elicitation process.
mcda-elicitation-web is a component of the ADDIS 2 project.
For instructions to run the app locally, see the in the app-local directory
Using compass (through config.rb
compass compile
Using node-sass:
node-sass --include-path sass-shared sass/mcda-plain.scss app/css/mcda-plain.css
node-sass --include-path sass-shared sass/mcda-drugis.scss app/css/mcda-drugis.css
node-sass --include-path sass-shared sass/mcda-drugis-ie8.scss app/css/mcda-drugis-ie8.css
mcda-elicitation-web is open source, and licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE.txt for more information.