CaTE (Calibration of Tomographic Equipment) is a small package for calibration of X-ray CT set-ups. It is essentially a utility wrapping scipy.optimize.least_squares. It is written to find a geometry after scanning an object that features marker points, such as metal balls. The user provides a parametrized geometry, as well as annotated data of the projected markers. SciPy's NLLS solver subsequently looks for geometry parameters that explain the markers.
CaTE is written with flexibility in mind. The parameters that may be optimized are:
- Geometries: tube locations, detector locations, as well as detector orientations (in roll-pitch-yaw format). Geometries can share parameters: for instance one source location can be used for multiple detectors.
- Geometry transformations can be parametrized. For instance by rotations of the object and/or set-up.
- Marker locations. Marker points in the object do not need to be known a-priori, but can be optimized together with the sought geometry.
Converts geometries back-and-forth to the format that is respected by the ASTRA ToolBox.
In X-ray tomography, the goal is to invert the relation Ax=y, i.e. to find a volume x that explains radiographic projection data y. Here A is the linear X-ray transform operator, encoding the physics.
Positions and orientations of the tubes, detectors, and object are usually entered as parameters psi of the reconstruction algorithm (SIRT, FDK, ...), and parametrize the forward operator, i.e. A=A_psi. Incorrect parameters lead to blur and artifacts in the solution. Because jointly optimizing A_psi x=y over psi and x may be inaccurate and computationally expensive, we find psi using a calibration procedure.
The markerprocedure in its generality:
- Place a markerobject in the scanning set-up.
- The markerobject must be rigid.
- A markerobject has several points m_i, i=1...N. They can be anything, as long as they are uniquely recognized in most projection images. Ideas are: metal balls, points of needles. An object can thus be created easily and ad hoc.
- It is not necessary to know the (relative) positions of the markers.
- Rotate or move the markerobject and/or change scanning geometry. Collect
radiographic projections of the markerobject for several positions.
Number each geometry psi_j, j=1...T.
- All sorts of geometries are allowed. E.g., multiple sources/detectors, a moving detector/source, tiled scan.
- For each marker point m_i, identify its location in the projection image of geometry psi_j as p_i,j. This can be done using annotation, or in some cases using a tracking algorithm for markers (code not provided).
- Initialize a guess for the geometry psi_1. Define the geometry of the later
projections as transformations of previous, i.e. psi_j = g(psi_1, ... psi_{t-1}).
- If precise transformations are unknown, for instance because of uncertainty in rotation table/object/detector movement, auxiliary optimization variables phi can be introduced to encode rotation angle, speed of movement, etc. This leads to psi_j = psi_j(phi_1, ..., psi_{t-1}, phi).
- Using an analytical X-ray projection operator B_psi, solve min_psi,phi,m sum_j ||B_{psi_j} m - p_j||.
The following example is simplified for the purpose of demonstration. Here the geometry has a source position that requires calibration, but we trust that we have a confident detector position. A rotation table rotates the object, containing two markers, to three different positions. We guess that the rotation angle is about pi/3, but we are not sure.
# Suppose we don't know precisely where the source is, but we do know where
# the detector is.
source = VectorParameter(np.array([-10, 0, 0]))
detector = np.array([10, 0, 0])
geometry_1 = Geometry(source, detector, ...)
# Suppose there is a rotation table, and the geometry rotates clockwise, but
# we don't know how many degrees exactly.
angle = ScalarParameter(np.pi / 3) # np.pi/10 is our guess
geometry_2 = rotate(geometry_1, yaw=angle)
geometry_3 = rotate(geometry_2, yaw=angle) # reuse parameter
# We want to optimize over the marker positions, since we don't know them.
# Therefore they are `VectorParameter`s.
markers = {'marker_1': VectorParameter([0.0, 0.2, 0.0]),
'marker_2': VectorParameter([0.1, 0.3, -0.2]),
... }
# observed projections of the markers at each geometry
data = {...}
# `XrayOptimizationProblem` is CaTE's helper for retrieving everything
# in a format that scipy likes.
problem = XrayOptimizationProblem(markers,
[geometry_1, geometry_2, geometry_3],
# let's go:
# uses `problem.__call__`:
# all marker points, geometry parameters, and auxiliary variables:
# solver has finished, parameters were updated in-place:
is an encoding of a
- a
, that can be anp.array
; - a
, that can be anp.array
; - the orientation of detector is encoded in two ways:
- as a
(w.r.t. world coordinates); - as an orthogonal pair of unit vectors describing the detector axis
(w.r.t. world coordinates).
- as a
A few notes:
is the central detector point;- There is no notion of "detector pixels". Optimization is in physical units. Conversion back and forth to pixel units can be done before and after the optimization.
The source code includes a provisional annotation tool, with Matplotlib. To
use it the user must subclass EntityLocations
, providing names for each marker
seen in the object. Please see The annotation tool can be
improved, please provide a PR if you do.