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t6s committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent cd06457 commit bfd9a4f
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Showing 5 changed files with 598 additions and 363 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _CoqProject
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ lib/Reals_ext.v
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion changelog.txt
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
- in ssralg_ext.v
+ lemmas mulr_regl, mulr_regr
- in realType_ext.v
+ lemmas x_x2_eq, x_x2_max
+ lemmas x_x2_eq, x_x2_max, x_x2_pos, x_x2_nneg, expR1_gt2
- new file derive_ext.v
+ lemmas differentiable_{ln, Log}
+ lemmas is_derive{D, B, N, M, V, Z, X, _sum}_eq
+ lemmas is_derive1_{lnf, lnf_eq, Logf, Logf_eq, LogfM, LogfM_eq, LogfV, LogfV_eq}
+ lemmas derivable1_mono, derivable1_homo

- lemma `conv_pt_cset_is_convex` changed into a `Let`

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223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions lib/derive_ext.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
(* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum interval.
From mathcomp Require Import ring lra.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import set_interval.
From mathcomp Require Import reals Rstruct topology normedtype.
From mathcomp Require Import realfun derive exp.
Require Import realType_ext realType_logb ssralg_ext.

(* Additional lemmas about differentiation and derivatives *)
(* *)
(* Variants of lemmas (mean value theorem, etc.) from mathcomp-analysis *)
(* *)
(* TODO: document lemmas *)
(* *)

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.
Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section differentiable.

Lemma differentiable_ln {R : realType} (x : R) : 0 < x -> differentiable (@ln R) x.
Proof. move=>?; exact/derivable1_diffP/ex_derive/is_derive1_ln. Qed.

Lemma differentiable_Log {R : realType} (n : nat) (x : R) :
0 < x -> (1 < n)%nat -> differentiable (@Log R n) x.
move=> *.
apply: differentiableM.
exact: differentiable_ln.
apply: differentiableV=> //.
rewrite prednK; last exact: (@ltn_trans 1).
by rewrite neq_lt ln_gt0 ?orbT// ltr1n.

End differentiable.

Section is_derive.

Lemma is_deriveD_eq [R : numFieldType] [V W : normedModType R] [f g : V -> W]
[x v : V] [Df Dg D : W] :
is_derive x v f Df -> is_derive x v g Dg -> Df + Dg = D ->
is_derive x v (f + g) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? <-; exact: is_deriveD. Qed.

Lemma is_deriveB_eq [R : numFieldType] [V W : normedModType R] [f g : V -> W]
[x v : V] [Df Dg D : W] :
is_derive x v f Df -> is_derive x v g Dg -> Df - Dg = D ->
is_derive x v (f - g) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? <-; exact: is_deriveB. Qed.

Lemma is_deriveN_eq [R : numFieldType] [V W : normedModType R] [f : V -> W]
[x v : V] [Df D : W] :
is_derive x v f Df -> - Df = D -> is_derive x v (- f) D.
Proof. by move=> ? <-; exact: is_deriveN. Qed.

Lemma is_deriveM_eq [R : numFieldType] [V : normedModType R] [f g : V -> R]
[x v : V] [Df Dg D : R] :
is_derive x v f Df -> is_derive x v g Dg ->
f x *: Dg + g x *: Df = D ->
is_derive x v (f * g) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? <-; exact: is_deriveM. Qed.

Lemma is_deriveV_eq [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [x v Df D : R] :
f x != 0 ->
is_derive x v f Df ->
- f x ^- 2 *: Df = D ->
is_derive x v (inv_fun f) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? <-; exact: is_deriveV. Qed.

Lemma is_deriveZ_eq [R : numFieldType] [V W : normedModType R] [f : V -> W]
(k : R) [x v : V] [Df D : W] :
is_derive x v f Df -> k *: Df = D ->
is_derive x v (k \*: f) D.
Proof. by move=> ? <-; exact: is_deriveZ. Qed.

Lemma is_deriveX_eq [R : numFieldType] [V : normedModType R] [f : V -> R]
(n : nat) [x v : V] [Df D: R] :
is_derive x v f Df -> (n.+1%:R * f x ^+ n) *: Df = D ->
is_derive x v (f ^+ n.+1) D.
Proof. by move=> ? <-; exact: is_deriveX. Qed.

Lemma is_derive_sum_eq [R : numFieldType] [V W : normedModType R] [n : nat]
[h : 'I_n -> V -> W] [x v : V] [Dh : 'I_n -> W] [D : W] :
(forall i : 'I_n, is_derive x v (h i) (Dh i)) ->
\sum_(i < n) Dh i = D ->
is_derive x v (\sum_(i < n) h i) D.
Proof. by move=> ? <-; exact: is_derive_sum. Qed.

Lemma is_derive1_lnf [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [x Df : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> 0 < f x ->
is_derive x 1 (ln (R := R) \o f) (Df / f x).
move=> hf fx0.
rewrite mulrC; apply: is_derive1_comp.
exact: is_derive1_ln.

Lemma is_derive1_lnf_eq [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [x Df D : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> 0 < f x ->
Df / f x = D ->
is_derive x 1 (ln (R := R) \o f) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? <-; exact: is_derive1_lnf. Qed.

Lemma is_derive1_Logf [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [n : nat] [x Df : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> 0 < f x -> (1 < n)%nat ->
is_derive x 1 (Log n (R := R) \o f) ((ln n%:R)^-1 * Df / f x).
move=> hf fx0 n1.
rewrite (mulrC _ Df) -mulrA mulrC.
apply: is_derive1_comp.
rewrite mulrC; apply: is_deriveM_eq.
exact: is_derive1_ln.
by rewrite scaler0 add0r prednK ?mulr_regr // (@ltn_trans 1).

Lemma is_derive1_Logf_eq [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [n : nat] [x Df D : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> 0 < f x -> (1 < n)%nat ->
(ln n%:R)^-1 * Df / f x = D ->
is_derive x 1 (Log n (R := R) \o f) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? ? <-; exact: is_derive1_Logf. Qed.

Lemma is_derive1_LogfM [R : realType] [f g : R -> R] [n : nat] [x Df Dg : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> is_derive x 1 g Dg ->
0 < f x -> 0 < g x -> (1 < n)%nat ->
is_derive x 1 (Log n (R := R) \o (f * g)) ((ln n%:R)^-1 * (Df / f x + Dg / g x)).
move=> hf hg fx0 gx0 n1.
apply: is_derive1_Logf_eq=> //.
exact: mulr_gt0.
rewrite -!mulr_regr /(f * g) invfM /= -mulrA; congr (_ * _).
rewrite addrC (mulrC _^-1) mulrDl; congr (_ + _); rewrite -!mulrA; congr (_ * _).
by rewrite mulrA mulfV ?gt_eqF // div1r.
by rewrite mulrCA mulfV ?gt_eqF // mulr1.

Lemma is_derive1_LogfM_eq [R : realType] [f g : R -> R] [n : nat] [x Df Dg D : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> is_derive x 1 g Dg ->
0 < f x -> 0 < g x -> (1 < n)%nat ->
(ln n%:R)^-1 * (Df / f x + Dg / g x) = D ->
is_derive x 1 (Log n (R := R) \o (f * g)) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? ? ? ? <-; exact: is_derive1_LogfM. Qed.

Lemma is_derive1_LogfV [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [n : nat] [x Df : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> 0 < f x -> (1 < n)%nat ->
is_derive x 1 (Log n (R := R) \o (inv_fun f)) (- (ln n%:R)^-1 * (Df / f x)).
move=> hf fx0 n1.
apply: is_derive1_Logf_eq=> //;
[by apply/is_deriveV; rewrite gt_eqF | by rewrite invr_gt0 |].
rewrite invrK -mulr_regl !(mulNr,mulrN) -mulrA; congr (- (_ * _)).
by rewrite expr2 invfM mulrC !mulrA mulfV ?gt_eqF // div1r mulrC.

Lemma is_derive1_LogfV_eq [R : realType] [f : R -> R] [n : nat] [x Df D : R] :
is_derive x 1 f Df -> 0 < f x -> (1 < n)%nat ->
- (ln n%:R)^-1 * (Df / f x) = D ->
is_derive x 1 (Log n (R := R) \o (inv_fun f)) D.
Proof. by move=> ? ? ? <-; exact: is_derive1_LogfV. Qed.

End is_derive.

Section derivable_monotone.

(* generalizing Ranalysis_ext.pderive_increasing_ax_{open_closed,closed_open} *)
Lemma derivable1_mono [R : realType] (a b : itv_bound R) (f : R -> R) (x y : R) :
x \in Interval a b -> y \in Interval a b ->
{in Interval a b, forall x, derivable f x 1} ->
(forall t : R, forall Ht : t \in `]x, y[, 0 < 'D_1 f t) ->
x < y -> f x < f y.
rewrite !itv_boundlr=> /andP [ax xb] /andP [ay yb].
move=> derivable_f df_pos xy.
have HMVT1: ({within `[x, y], continuous f})%classic.
apply: derivable_within_continuous=> z /[!itv_boundlr] /andP [xz zy].
apply: derivable_f.
by rewrite itv_boundlr (le_trans ax xz) (le_trans zy yb).
have HMVT0: forall z : R, z \in `]x, y[ -> is_derive z 1 f ('D_1 f z).
move=> z /[!itv_boundlr] /andP [xz zy].
rewrite itv_boundlr.
rewrite (le_trans (le_trans ax (lexx x : BLeft x <= BRight x)%O) xz).
by rewrite (le_trans (le_trans zy (lexx y : BLeft y <= BRight y)%O) yb).
rewrite -subr_gt0.
have[z xzy ->]:= MVT xy HMVT0 HMVT1.
by rewrite mulr_gt0// ?df_pos// subr_gt0.

Lemma derivable1_homo [R : realType] (a b : itv_bound R) (f : R -> R) (x y : R) :
x \in Interval a b -> y \in Interval a b ->
{in Interval a b, forall x, derivable f x 1} ->
(forall t:R, forall Ht : t \in `]x, y[, 0 <= 'D_1 f t) ->
x <= y -> f x <= f y.
rewrite !itv_boundlr=> /andP [ax xb] /andP [ay yb].
move=> derivable_f df_nneg xy.
have HMVT1: ({within `[x, y], continuous f})%classic.
apply: derivable_within_continuous=> z /[!itv_boundlr] /andP [xz zy].
apply: derivable_f.
by rewrite itv_boundlr (le_trans ax xz) (le_trans zy yb).
have HMVT0: forall z : R, z \in `]x, y[ -> is_derive z 1 f ('D_1 f z).
move=> z /[!itv_boundlr] /andP [xz zy].
rewrite itv_boundlr.
rewrite (le_trans (le_trans ax (lexx x : BLeft x <= BRight x)%O) xz).
by rewrite (le_trans (le_trans zy (lexx y : BLeft y <= BRight y)%O) yb).
rewrite -subr_ge0.
move: xy; rewrite le_eqVlt=> /orP [/eqP-> | xy]; first by rewrite subrr.
have[z xzy ->]:= MVT xy HMVT0 HMVT1.
by rewrite mulr_ge0// ?df_nneg// subr_ge0 ltW.

End derivable_monotone.
45 changes: 41 additions & 4 deletions lib/realType_ext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum.
From mathcomp Require Import reals normedtype.
From mathcomp Require Import reals normedtype sequences.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp.
From mathcomp Require Import lra ring Rstruct.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,18 +108,55 @@ Notation "p '.~'" := (onem p).

Section about_the_pow_function.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Context {R : realFieldType}.

Lemma x_x2_eq (q : R) : q * (1 - q) = 4^-1 - 4^-1 * (2 * q - 1) ^+ 2.
Lemma x_x2_eq {R : realFieldType} (q : R) : q * (1 - q) = 4^-1 - 4^-1 * (2 * q - 1) ^+ 2.
Proof. by field. Qed.

Lemma x_x2_max (q : R) : q * (1 - q) <= 4^-1.
Lemma x_x2_max {R : realFieldType} (q : R) : q * (1 - q) <= 4^-1.
rewrite x_x2_eq.
have : forall a b : R, 0 <= b -> a - b <= a. move=> *; lra.
apply; apply mulr_ge0; [lra | exact: exprn_even_ge0].

Lemma x_x2_pos {R : realFieldType} (q : R) : 0 < q < 1 -> 0 < q * (1 - q).
move=> q01.
rewrite [ltRHS](_ : _ = - (q - 2^-1)^+2 + (2^-2)); last by field.
rewrite addrC subr_gt0 -exprVn -[ltLHS]real_normK ?num_real//.
rewrite ltr_pXn2r// ?nnegrE; [| exact: normr_ge0 | lra].
have/orP[H|H]:= le_total (q - 2^-1) 0.
rewrite (ler0_norm H); lra.
rewrite (ger0_norm H); lra.

Lemma x_x2_nneg {R : realFieldType} (q : R) : 0 <= q <= 1 -> 0 <= q * (1 - q).
case/andP=> q0 q1.
have[->|qneq0]:= eqVneq q 0; first lra.
have[->|qneq1]:= eqVneq q 1; first lra.
have: 0 < q < 1 by lra.
by move/x_x2_pos/ltW.

(* TODO: prove expR1_lt3 too; PR to mca *)
Lemma expR1_gt2 {R : realType} : 2 < expR 1 :> R.
rewrite /expR /exp_coeff.
apply: (@lt_le_trans _ _ (series (fun n0 : nat => 1 ^+ n0 / n0`!%:R) 3)).
rewrite /series /=.
under eq_bigr do rewrite expr1n.
rewrite big_mkord.
rewrite big_ord_recl /= divr1 ltrD2l.
rewrite big_ord_recl /= divr1 -[ltLHS]addr0 ltrD2l.
rewrite big_ord_recl big_ord0 addr0 !factS fact0 /bump /= addn0 !muln1.
by rewrite mulr_gt0// invr_gt0.
apply: limr_ge; first exact: is_cvg_series_exp_coeff_pos.
exists 3=>// n /= n3.
rewrite -subr_ge0 sub_series_geq// sumr_ge0// => i _.
by rewrite mulr_ge0// ?invr_ge0// exprn_ge0.

End about_the_pow_function.

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