ROS 2 reimplementation of Object Localization and Tracking vision pipeline.
Currently, there is no automated build for m3t_tracker and HappyPose libraries itself built into the ROS node.
# Optional dependencies used by examples. Awaits ROS Humble sync with new features
vcs import src < src/olt_ros2_pipeline/deps.repos
rosdep update --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
rosdep install -y -i --from-paths src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
# parameter --symlink-install is optional
colcon build --symlink-install
First create M3D data:
mkdir /tmp/m3t_data_dir
ros2 run m3t_tracker_ros prepare_sparse_views \
--input-path $HAPPYPOSE_DATA_DIR/bop_datasets/ycbv/models \
--output-path /tmp/m3t_data_dir \
Then you can start tracking, by first launching HappyPose ROS node:
ros2 launch olt_ros2_pipeline dataset_name:=ycbv model_type:=pbr
Next in new terminal window launch tracker pipeline:
ros2 launch olt_ros2_pipeline \
dataset_name:=ycbv \
Intel RealSense camera node will start publishing images and new RViz2 window will open with preconfigured view.
ROS node labeling detections by creating simple labels based on combining class_id with its number of instances in the received message.
labeled/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Detections after applied labeling.
labeled/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Vision info message associated with labeled detections.
unlabeled/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Unlabeled detections.
unlabeled/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Vision info message associated with unlabeled detections.
upsampled/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Upsampled detections from tracker used to match tracks.
upsampled/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Upsampled vision info message associated with upsampled detections.
~/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
Allows to dynamically change ROS parameters. For more information. For more information, refer to the documentation.
Parameters are generated with generate_parameter_library. Currently, no automatic documentation generation is set up. Refer to happypose_labeler_parameters.yaml for more information.
Note that some of the parameters are possible to tune in the runtime. Refer to the code generation YAML file to see which of them are available.
ROS node applying basic pose filtering and safety management on top of 6D pose detection pipeline. Ensures translation difference between consecutive poses is not too big. If detections are within error threshold, applies first order smoothing.
filtered/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Detections after safety check and filtering.
filtered/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Vision info message associated with filtered detections.
unfiltered/detections [vision_msgs/msg/Detection2DArray]
Detections to filter.
unfiltered/vision_info [vision_msgs/msg/VisionInfo]
Vision info message associated with unfiltered detections.
~/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
Allows to dynamically change ROS parameters. For more information. For more information, refer to the documentation.
Parameters are generated with generate_parameter_library. Currently, no automatic documentation generation is set up. Refer to detection_pose_filter_parameters.yaml for more information.
Note that some of the parameters are possible to tune in the runtime. Refer to the code generation YAML file to see which of them are available.
ROS nodes combined within single multi-threaded executor for better performance. This setup encapsulated pipeline with following ROS nodes:
happypose_labeler: for detection labeling.
time_catchup_node: for time compensation between happypose detections and most recent image.
real_time_tracker_node: for real time pose tracking.
detection_pose_filter: for final pose filtering.