Februry 6, 2020, Dxarts University of Washington.
Installation based on organic materials. In general terms, the piece installs a natural environment, with different elements such as plants, irrigation system, artificial sunlight, air supply and nutrient supply. It would be like a small electronic controlled greenhouse. The idea is create a micro sensitive biosystem, that their operation (amount of water, soil nutrients, light and air) depends on external variables. Specifically of the real-time data of financial speculation, and generate links bewteen the variables of the piece and the variation in real time of some significative finanacial data.
- In a speculative perspective, In the future, maybe we will have to pay for the air, or for use the sun (Some countries have to pay taxes for collect sun energy). And now the land is private and has a cost, the water has a cost and in some countries, Like Chile, the water is private and their use is controlled for economic and transnational groups.
- What happend when the natural/vital resources are controlled by the financial speculation?
- What data to take?
- What other types of variables to consider in the system? the human interaction in real time with the piece could affect the way in how to interpretate the external variables (speculation data)
- What are the differences between the cryptocurrency system variation and wall street speculation?
- How and in how many times the fianacial speculation affect the economy?
Preservation of organic material: An important part of the piece would be impossible to preserv, organic material should be replaced for each exhibition. Therefore the chalenge would be about the documentation and implemtation to future exhibitions. The preservation of a piece like this is incomplete and depend directly of the documentation.
Code issues: This piece depend of the collection of external and online data. In this sense, it would be two problems:
Data codification: internet protocols could change/ the codification of online data could change / website adress could
change -
Therefore, probably the code should update in future exhibitation. So, the instructions should be clear regarding how reprogram the code. Maybe in that case, could work, create an user iterface to can edit the possible issues.
- Conceptual memory
- research/ and experimentation
- Final schematic: determinating materiales, variables, dimenssions, shape, interatcion.
- Prototype / fabrication
- Documentation/Instructions
- Undesrtanding the data. how affect the variation of financial speculation in thecnic terms.
- How to link the finacial data with the biosystem variables, how interepretate the data
- Definition of what variables types of the project can be preserved
- The code issues and their external relationship
- User Interface (using arduino/proccesing?)
- Examples of this kind of project, regarding the documentation and preservation
ONLINE DATA WALL STREET https://www.wsj.com/market-data
BIT COINT PRICE https://www.coindesk.com/price/bitcoin https://charts.bitcoin.com/bch/