Hacky is something that I've always wanted. I've used React previously, but I find hooks too magical and JSX a finicky process that requires a build step.
When I discovered Crank.js, I fell in love because of how intuitive it was to understand. Imagine Hacky as Crank.js with tagged templates, but with a lightweight core and simplistic API.
If you're looking for something a bit more comprehensive, check out Million — Virtual DOM into the future! 💥🦁✨
-Aiden (@aidenybai)
Below is an implementation of a random.cat
API fetcher example using Hacky (Live Demo).
import { html, render } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hacky';
const fetchCat = async (url = 'https://aws.random.cat/meow') => {
const res = await fetch(url);
const { file } = await res.json();
return file;
function* Cats({ width, height }) {
const [cats, setCats] = this.createState([]);
const [message, setMessage] = this.createState('Fetch cat image');
const [disabled, setDisabled] = this.createState(false);
const addCat = async () => {
try {
const newCat = await fetchCat();
setCats([...cats(), newCat]);
setMessage('Fetch cat image');
} catch (err) {
setMessage('Failed to fetch. Retrying...');
setTimeout(() => addCat(), 1000);
while (true) {
const catImages = cats().map(
(cat) => html`<img key=${cat} src=${cat} width=${width} height=${height} />`,
yield html`
<button disabled=${disabled()} onClick=${addCat} style="width: 100%">${message()}</button>
render(html`<${Cats} width=${100} height=${100} />`, document.body);
function has a standard interface that is used in many Virtual DOM libraries. First argument is a Virtual DOM to render, and the second one is a DOM node that will be used as the live DOM reference.
tagged templates can produce Virtual DOM nodes, which define your DOM view.
function will instantiate a new state reference, in which you can mutate by destructuring the getter (index 0
) and setter (index 1
Hacky takes heavy inspiration from Crank.js, and depends on Million. Feel free to check them out if you interested in an alternative library to use.
Million is MIT-licensed open-source software by Aiden Bai.