is a simple static site generator implemented as a command line tool in
. It converts Markdown (CommonMark specification) files to HTML files via
Javascript Template Literals.
It comes with a theme for creating HTML books from Markdown, checkout demo.
Main use cases for bok
are personal blogs, documentation sites, etc.
- Simple and minimal API
- Supports Markdown (with Front-matter)
- Vanilla TS/JS Templating (or bring your own templating system and invoke it via Javascript)
- Easily extendable
- Auto-refresh browser client on file change
- Documentation/Book Theme, similar to rust's mdbook
is based on Deno, so until the single-binary executable is available (and
stable) in Deno, we need to install Deno first:
curl -fsSL | sh
Then install the latest version of bok
deno install --force --no-check --unstable --allow-all --name=bok
Run the following command to generate a new site.
# Create your site (outputs a config.ts)
bok init
# Start a HTTP server with auto-refresh on file changes
bok serve config.ts
Usage: bok
Version: v0.1.0
Static Site Generator
-h, --help - Show this help.
-V, --version - Show the version number for this program.
init - Build a static website
build [config:string] - Build a static website
watch [config:string] - Build a static website and rebuild on file changes
serve [config:string] - Build a static website, serve it and rebuild on file changes
clean [config:string] - Clean output directory
supports two methods for collecting content files:
- Iterate all files in the content directory recursively [default]
- Provide a glob string
- Specify files via a special markdown file
There's three ways to specify which layout to use for markdown content, ordered by precedence:
specified in front-matterlayout
specified in configdefaultLayout
specified in config
Configuration files are regular Typescript.
export default {
theme: "name|path|url",
paths: {
content: "content", // This is where you write your markdown files
output: "site", // This is where the site will be created
assets: "assets", // Public resources which will be copied to the output directory
layout: "layout", // Directory containing your layouts
defaultLayout: "index.ts", // If layout is not specified in the front-matter section of the markdown files, use this layout
serve: {
reload: true, // Reload site on file change
port: 5000, // Port to serve development on
wsPort: 5001, // Port to serve websocket
hooks: {
async beforeSite(site, pages) {},
async afterSite(site, page, pages) {},
async beforePage(site, page, pages) {},
async afterPage(site, page, pages) {},
params: {
title: "Docs",
author: "Samir Alajmovic",
description: "This is the documentation theme",
url: "",
All contributions are welcome.