Create a Full Stack application using Angular, Node, Express, and MongoDB.
Using the provided data set, account for the different data properties ("rent" versus "cost") and ensure that this is noted on the display of the information, by listing "For Rent" or "For Sale" based on the properties it has. Create two routes, each with a controller and template file. One set for "For Rent" properties and another set for "For Sale" properties
- Create and clone repo
- Build out folder structure
Real Estate Full Stack App
- Run npm init
- Install: angular, angular-routes, body-parser, express and mongoose
- Verify modules were installed
- Add start script (optional)
- Create .gitignore and add:
- node_modules
- .DS_Store
- *.log
- *.logs
- Include data set provided
- Source in files
- [] Create labels for inputs
- [] Create table
- Setup server.js
- Verify server is running
- Use Angular
- Create GET requests