A library of Power Query functions & other reference material.
Function | Description |
Assert | Library of functions to aid in unit testing. |
Bandaid | Adds metadata to values to track assumptions made during development. |
BinaryImageToDataURI | Converts a binary image to a Data URI representation. |
Compress | Performs the compression steps that PQ uses when generating the Source string for queries created from the Enter Data functionality. |
ContrastingColor | Given a background color, determine if light or dark text should be used as a foreground text color. |
Decompress | Performs the decompression steps used in queries created by Enter Data. |
GenerateDateTable | Generates a Date dimension table given a starting and ending year. |
GithubRepository | Loads queries stored as .pq files from a Github repository. |
Library Function Source Code | Returns the Source Code metadata from functions generated by external loading functions in this repository. |
Library Source Code | Calls Library Function Source Code over the entire contents of a function library record. |
Load Function Library - Local Filesystem | Loads queires stored as .pq files from a given folder path. |
Luminosity | Calculated the Luminosity of a color value. |
TableCleanFieldNames | Cleans Field Names of a table to be Proper Case instead of cammelCase or snake_case. |
TableDataQualityProfile | Reviews data in a table and determines a basic description of the data. |
TableToMCode | Converts a simple table to equivalent M code. Credit: ImkeF |
Unzip | Unzip the binary of a .zip file. |
ValueToMCode | Converts nearly any type of value into equivalent M code. |
ValueTypeToText | Converts the type of a value into text. |
Data File | Description | Source |
UNSD — Methodology.csv | Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49) | https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/overview/#ENG_Overview |